podgeflat / unidata-users-workshop

Unidata Users Workshop

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2015 Unidata Users Workshop

Complete information on the 2015 Unidata Users Workshop

Python Instructions

A number of demonstrations will make use of the Jupyter Project (formerly IPython Notebook) technology. For participants who wish to use Python during the workshop, please follow the instructions below. To save time, we suggest following these steps before your arrival at the workshop.

  1. Install Miniconda (Python 2.7) from Continuum Analytics. (Determine if your OS 32 or 64 bit.)
  2. Once Miniconda is installed, from the command line (e.g., OS X terminal, cmd.exe), run these instructions:
conda create -n workshop-scikit python=2 pip numpy scipy matplotlib pandas ipython-notebook netcdf4 scikit-learn scikit-image basemap
conda create -n workshop-xray python=2 pip numpy scipy matplotlib ipython-notebook pandas netcdf4 dask xray
conda create -n workshop-kevin python=2 pip numpy scipy matplotlib ipython-notebook netcdf4 basemap requests
conda create -n workshop-basic python=2 ipython-notebook

metpy and siphon installation

conda create -n workshop-metpy python=2 pip numpy scipy matplotlib ipython-notebook netcdf4

on unix

source activate workshop-metpy && pip install metpy siphon

If this command causes an error see note below about bash.

on windows

activate workshop-metpy
pip install metpy siphon

From a Unix command line (e.g., OS X terminal)

If your default shell is NOT bash, first type bash. To activate or switch to a conda environment, you can source activate <environment>. For example,

source activate workshop-xray

To switch and/or deactivate environments:

source deactivate
source activate <environment>

From a Windows command line (e.g., cmd.exe)

To activate or switch to a conda environment, you can activate <environment>. For example,

activate workshop-xray

To switch and/or deactivate environments:

activate <environment>

jupyter notebook

The presenters will probably ask you to run examples in the ipython notebook. You may wish to create a folder on your desktop, and from the command line cd to that folder, activate (see above) an environment, and start the notebook with the ipython notebook command. Once this software is in place, Unidata Users Workshop staff and presenters will instruct participants how to make use of this software.

inline graphics

You will probably be doing matplotlib visualizations in which case you will want to inline the graphics with this command:

%matplotlib inline

2015 Unidata Users Workshop Github Repository

Presenters, participants and staff are encouraged to make use of this github repository for sharing of presentations and any material relevant to the Users Workshop.

Specific download for files used in Kevin Tyle's hands-on session:

http://www.atmos.albany.edu/facstaff/ktyle/triennial/ (Download the zip file; extract it; and then ideally cd into that directory and launch ipython notebook from there)

When the workshop is over, how can I continue using these technologies?


We have been using git version control technology to share and collaborate on the workshop material. The problem is git is not easy to use. Fortunately, there are git clients/apps/user interfaces that can make git less painful. One such tool is a tool called SourceTree. If git seems intimidating, please consider using a git client such as SourceTree to obtain the workshop material or to interface with other git repositories.


The other tool we have been using is conda. conda has made working with Python scientific programming environment much easier. This README explains how to download and install conda. Moreover, many, many scientific programming libraries are distributed via conda. Hopefully, conda should satisfy most of your needs for installing scientific computing libraries.

Unidata Training Workshops

Unidata will be providing git and conda training at the Using Unidata Technologies with Python , July 20 - 22.


If you have questions about these instructions, please contact mailto:support@unidata.ucar.edu.


Unidata Users Workshop


Language:Jupyter Notebook 100.0%