podatkovni-okvir / cv


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Repo je nastao s ciljem izrade životopisa koji je lako ažurirati. Za izradu životopisa korišten je R, odnosno R Markdown.

Unosi se nalaze u googlesheetsu. Publikacije se nalaze u .bib datoteci. Kao dizajn je korišten awesomecv template iz R paketa vitae.

Ukratko, podaci iz googlesheetsa i .bib datoteke provučeni su kroz funkcije iz paketa vitae te u kombinaciji s pridavanjem pripadajućih naslova odjeljaka u .Rmd datoteci čine životopis. U YAML zaglavlju se nalaze osnovne informacije poput imena, prezimena, kontakta i kratkog sažetka.

The purpose of this repo is to have a CV that is easily updatable. The code is writen in R, more precisely R Markdown.

Entries are provided in a googlesheets document. Publications are contained in a .bib file. awesomecv template from R package vitae is used as a template.

In short, data from googlesheets and .bib file is sent to the functions from vitae package, and in combination with provision of corresponding section titles in the .Rmd file, a CV is created. Pieces of information such as name, surname, contact and a short "about me" section are contained in the YAML header.

Feel free to reuse:

install.packages(c("vitae", "tidyverse", "googlesheets4"))
  • change .Rmd file name (this determines the name of your .pdf output)
  • change .bib file (in case you do not want your resume to have publications, you can just delete that part of the code [starting at line 112])
  • copy googlesheets document and change entries https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1_6JCugS2G_5Qr3eRJGMqKUubcg9WKMgGe2wlTDkxo2U/edit?usp=sharing
  • you can show or hide entries in your resume by putting "TRUE" or "FALSE" (respectively) in the column "show"
  • change googlesheets URL in the .Rmd file [line 32] (your sheets need to be public)
  • change resume section titles accordingly [starting at line 71] (delete the ones you do not want, add new ones; dataframes will have names that correspond to the section entries in googlesheets, eg. section "education" will be turned into "df_education" (if you want to have a detailed entry without bullet points, put "_" into column "description_1"))
  • change YAML in the .Rmd file [first 15 lines] (here you can also have fun exploring different templates from the vitae package (if you do so, be aware of the code chunk at line 28 which alters highlight colors, might be best to delete it))


vitae https://pkg.mitchelloharawild.com/vitae/reference/index.html - here you can read more about package functions and templates that it provides




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