poboisvert / docker_sql_csv_loader

[SQL] A Docker image with a SQL UI to practice queries with loaded CSV files

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


  • I want to create SQL and have an UI to create/validate queries
  • I need to confirm my SQL tables will work with the primary and foreign keys
  • I want to load csv into SQL and see if my tables work


  • CSV files are located: /data

  • SQL ORM: /sql

  • Install Docker && run "docker-compose up" in the root folder

SQL Queries

SELECT * FROM customers

SELECT * FROM bookings

SELECT * FROM restaurants

--How many days has each customer visited the restaurant?

SELECT customer_id, COUNT(DISTINCT(bookings_date)) AS visit_count FROM bookings GROUP BY customer_id;

-- What was the first restaurant visited by each customer?

WITH order_booking AS
r.name as restaurant_name,
DENSE_RANK() OVER(PARTITION BY customer_id ORDER BY bookings_date) AS rank
FROM bookings AS b
JOIN customers AS c
ON c.id = b.customer_id
JOIN restaurants AS r
ON c.restaurants_id = r.id

customer_id, restaurant_name
FROM order_booking
WHERE rank = 1
GROUP BY customer_id, restaurant_name;


[SQL] A Docker image with a SQL UI to practice queries with loaded CSV files