po8rewq / npm-haxe

Install Haxe using Node Package Manager aka npm

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Installs Haxe using Node Package Manager aka npm


  • Global or per-project, sandboxed, standard Haxe installation
  • No dependency to Neko/libneko (except for haxelib run ...)
  • Includes Haxelib
  • Tested on Ubuntu/Linux and Windows


CLI installation

npm install haxe

By default, this will make haxe and haxelib available to npm scripts only, with haxelib repository sandboxed to your current working directory.

To have haxe and haxelib commands available globally, use the -g flag. This will also make the haxelib repo global.

Package.json sample

    "postinstall": "haxelib --always install build.hxml",
    "build": "haxe build.hxml"
  "dependencies": {
    "haxe": "4.0.2"

Please notice the --always flag in the haxelib command, to avoid having to confirm haxelibs installation.

Running Haxe from NodeJS

This package also comes with the minimal bindings to run the Haxe compiler from NodeJS.

var haxe = require('haxe').haxe;
var haxelib = require('haxe').haxelib;

// all commands return a ChildProcess instance

haxe( "-version" );
haxelib( "install", "hxnodejs" );

var server = haxe("--wait", "6000");

See also test.js

Configuration options

The following configuration options can be set in your package.json.

Please note they must be set before installing the package.

"config": {
    "haxe": "3.2.1",
    "haxelib_version": "3.2.0-rc.1"


See Haxe Download list. Please notice the directory name in the archive must match.


haxe:nightly value can be, for example "2016-02-25_development_7c4fd45", for current latest nightly build.

In this case, the haxe:version value is still used, and must match the one of the directory extracted from the archive.


haxe:haxelib_version must match a release from the official Haxelib repo

Known issues

The package relies on the node command, which [has issues on some Ubuntu versions] (http://stackoverflow.com/questions/21168141/cannot-install-packages-using-node-package-manager-in-ubuntu).

If you get an error similar to this :

sh: 1: node: not found
npm WARN This failure might be due to the use of legacy binary "node"
npm WARN For further explanations, please read /usr/share/doc/nodejs/README.Debian

Just install the nodejs-legacy package:

sudo apt-get install nodejs-legacy


Install Haxe using Node Package Manager aka npm


Language:JavaScript 100.0%