pmatulis / doc-hub

Cross team doc review tools

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


This is a private repo. It is currently only accessible to the Documentation team. We might want to move a lot of the below words to the Technical Author Handbook.

This place is a first attempt at centrally managing documentation reviews. It is primarily useful for those projects that are not under version control (currently the vast majority of them).

Submitting a PR

Submit a PR when you want something reviewed.

The PR can consist of:

  • an actual file in any format (e.g. Text, Markdown, reStructuredText)
  • a link to external content, such as:
    • Google doc
    • published page
    • Discourse topic


The PR description should include guidelines for the prospective reviewer such as:

  • general review
  • structure
  • language
  • technical
  • point to a specific portion of the content


Add the PR file under the appropriate project directory.

If the PR consists of multiple files, add a subdirectory.

Reviewing a PR

Any doc team member can review a PR, but starting a review does not sign you up for its eventual approval. Just leave any comments you may have.

Approving a PR

An approval/merge signals that the content is good for public consumption. Hence, only approve if your confidence is high.

Once approved, it is up to the requester to ensure that the content gets published in the correct format and in its rightful place. If a Google doc was used, it would be smart to leave a note in that doc for any future travellers (e.g. "This page is deprecated. Its contents was reviewed by the Doc team and approved on $DATE.").

Stretch goals and ideas:

  • Have a bot send notifications to the Documentation authors Mattermost channel when there are reviews waiting.


Cross team doc review tools