* PmHexen It is based on Hexen DOS sources, available on Ravensoft's ftp site. You need the PC version of Hexen (shareware or registered). * Controls: - Read original Hexen documentation.. * Environment variables: HOME: user home directory. If set, configuration and saved games are put in $HOME/.hexen directory. If not set, configuration and saved games are put in current directory. * Game data files: For proper behaviour and avoid misdetection, game files must be names like this: hexen.wad Hexen, commercial or demo * Common parameters: '@filename' or '-response filename' to read parameters from a file. '-devparm' displays frames per second. '-width' to choose resolution width (default is 320). '-height' to choose resolution height (default is 200). '-bpp' to choose bits per pixel (default is 8). '-fullscreen' to run the game in fullscreen mode. '-resize' to allow window to be resized. '-port <n>' to change UDP port for network game (default is 5029). '-net <num> <host2> [<host3> <host4>]' to enable networked game. <num> is player number (1-4). <host<n>> are other machine IP numbers on the network. '-audio off' to switch off audio. '-flat' to switch off texturing on floors/ceilings. '-mem <n>' to change memory allocated to game in KB (8192 is default = 8MB). '-yieldcpu [on|off]' to free some CPU time (default is off for Atari, and on for other systems). '-cdmusic' to play music from CD instead of MIDI. '-iwad /path/to/filename.wad' if game data file is not in current directory. '-overlay' use SDL YUV Overlay if available to scale screen. Use Alt+Enter to toggle between fullscreen and windowed mode. Use Alt+G to toggle mouse grabbing. Use Alt+P or Pause key to toggle pause. * Atari version : The binary version is compiled for 68020 and higher. Video, Keyboard, Mouse, Audio, Joysticks and Joypads now managed by SDL. See README.SDL for information. Network: '-network <type>' unix: Unix sockets network (default) sting: Sting sockets network (Atari only) -- Patrice Mandin <patmandin@gmail.com> http://pmandin.atari.org/