pmaingi / Inspire

A collection of links to assist you in web design and development.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Design in any web project can be a long and arduous process. Here's a collction of links to help you. Enjoy!


These sites are good to get a general idea of possible layouts and style paths to take.
* [TheBestDesigns]( - General list of hand picked sites from across the web. * [Awwwards]( - More awesome sites of various styles. * [Dribbble]( - Snaps of icons, doodles, sites, and more from a talented group of people. * [MinimalSites]( - Another list of sites, but on the much simpler side.


These sites are good for building a basic framework for the site.
* Color * [ColorPicker]( - Simple yet affective. The name says it all. * [Kuler]( - Easily create or view a custom color swatch for your site. * [Unsemantic]( - Provides a good grid framework for small to large projects. * [MDN]( - Documentation for HTML, CSS, JS, etc. * [Bootstrap]( - Very popular framework for building modern websites and web apps. * [Bootswatch]( - A list of free themes for Bootstrap. * [Iconmonstr]( - A collection of free, simple icons. * [Subtle Patterns]( - A massive archive of free backgrounds for your projects. * [Google Fonts]( - Tons of free, easy to use webfonts. * [Text to ASCII]( - Add some sexy Easter eggs in your source code.


Working with a team? These links are for you.
* [Cloud9]( - An awesome, zen way to work with others in the cloud. * [Gist]( - Share code and text with others fast. Like a mini repository. * [Scratchpad.IO]( - A simple, RTC tool for coding and previewing websites.


Every awesome web apps needs an awesome backend.
* [Firebase]( - A real-time front-end database for your sites.


Before you launch, these are good tools to make sure your site is ready for stardom.
* [Placehold]( - Generate custom placeholder images of any size. * [Browserling]( - Cross-browser test your website. * [CodePen]( - A free web editor in your browser. * [WooRank]( - A review tool for SEO elements, W3 validation, and numerous other variables. Free basic service. * [Yslow]( - Tool for analyzing and finding fixes for multiple causes of slow site loading.

Good Reads

Need something to read in your spare time?
* [Smashing Magazine]( - A magazine for all things digital design. * [CSS-Tricks]( - Awesome blog on anything and everything related to CSS. * [Codrops]( - Great collection of design techniques for modern web developmers and designers. * [Insert HTML]( - A blog covering current and upcoming techniques and technologies for web developers. * [1stWebDesign]( - A good, simple blog on web development and design. * [A List Apart]( - Guest bloggers and full books on topics from coding to business practices.


A collection of links to assist you in web design and development.