plusreed / Rat-Bot

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Rat Bot

A Discord bot that responds with rat emojis when you say the word "rat."

Includes words that contain rat and r a t!


  • !oracle - 8-ball command
    • Usage: !oracle <whatever here>


The current Rat Bot install uses Python 3.6, so you will need to install Python 3.6 before doing this.

Your python command may be different than mentioned here. It could be python, python3, or python3.X (with x being the minor version.)

It's recommended to run Rat Bot in a virtual environment. To do this, run python3.6 -m venv env and then activate the virtual environment.


TL;DR (mainly for bash users):

git clone
cd Rat-Bot
python3.6 -m venv env
source env/bin/activate
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
# Change the Discord token at the bottom of
python3.6 # Or, configure

Running in Docker

Rat Bot can be run in Docker using the provided Dockerfile. A number of utility scripts are included in the utils/ folder to aid in this.

First, build Rat Bot: bash ./utils/ This step builds the Docker image for Rat Bot and is required before you're able to run it. The image will be tagged as ratbot/ratbot:latest.

Before you do this step, make sure you've made your .env file!

Second, run Rat Bot: bash ./utils/

Rat Bot should now be running in Docker.

Stopping Rat Bot

Rat Bot cannot be stopped
Run the stop script: bash ./utils/

Removing Rat Bot from Docker

Either run this command as sudo, or add your user to the docker group.

You can remove the Rat Bot container by running the following command: docker rm ratbot.

Installing as a Service (Linux, systemd)

To install Rat Bot as a service on a Linux distribution that uses systemd, do the following:

# It's a good idea to make a new user for this.
# This command makes a new user with a home folder, a user group matching their user, and sets their shell to bash.
sudo useradd -m -s /bin/bash -U ratbot

# You'll need to set the password of the user after this.
sudo passwd ratbot

# Now, log in as ratbot using the password you just made
su - ratbot

# Now, clone the repo
git clone
cd Rat-Bot

# Set up a virtual environment (we recommend using `env` as a name as it's already gitignored.)
python3.6 -m venv env

# Go into your virtual environment.
source env/bin/activate

# Install the requirements
pip3 -m requirements.txt

# Now, edit the file.
# You'll need to change the last line to contain your Discord token.

# Next, edit the ratbot.service file.
# You'll need to change three lines:
#   - ExecStart: This should be where the shell script is (if you've followed 
#     along exactly, the path is /home/ratbot/Rat-Bot/
#   - User: Change this to the user you created. (`ratbot` in this case.)
#   - Group: Change this to the group that your user is in 
#     (`ratbot` in this case.)
nano ratbot.service

# Now, copy the service file to your systemd directory (this varies between distributions!)
# It should be noted that you may not be able to sudo on this new account. If you can't,
# add the user to the sudoers file using `visudo`.
sudo cp ratbot.service /etc/systemd/system

# Reload daemons
sudo systemctl daemon-reload

# Edit the script.
# You'll mainly need to change the `RATDIR` variable and the `ENVFOLDER` variable.
# If you've followed along with this, the variables should be:
#   - `RATDIR`: "/home/ratbot/Rat-Bot"
#   - `ENVFOLDER`: "env"

# You don't need to mark the script as executable, as the systemd service executes it with bash.
# Start the service, and the bot should now be running!
sudo systemctl start ratbot

# Optionally, if you want the service to start on each system boot:
sudo systemctl enable ratbot



Language:Python 58.7%Language:Shell 30.9%Language:Dockerfile 10.4%