pluralsh / bootstrap

bootstrapping resources for a new plural management cluster

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Plural Bootstrap

This repo defines the core terraform code needed to bootstrap a Plural management cluster. It is intended to be cloned in a users infra repo and then owned by their DevOps team from there. We do our best to adhere to the standard terraform setup for k8s within the respective cloud, while also installing necessary add-ons as needed (eg load balancer controller and autoscaler for AWS).

General Architecture

There are three main resources created by these templates:

  • VPC Network to house all resources in the respective cloud
  • K8s Control Plane + minimal worker node set
  • Postgres DB (will be used for your Plural Console instance)

Our defaults are meant to be tweaked, feel free to reference the documentation of the underlying modules if you want to make a cluster private, or modify our CIDR range defaults if you want to VPC peer.

When used in a plural installation repo, the process is basically:

  • create a git submodule in the installation repo pointing to the repository
  • template and copy base terraform files into their respective folders (/clusters for cluster infra and /apps for app setup)
  • execute the terraform in sequence from there

THis follows a generate-once approach, as in we'll generate the working defaults and any customizations from there are left to the user. This makes it much easier to reimplement our setup for a company's security or scalability preferences rather than worrying about an upstream change. If you ever want to sync from upstream, you can simply cd bootstrap && git pull to fetch the most recent changes.

Installation repo folder structure

A plural installation repo will have a folder structure like this:

bootstrap/ -> git submodule pointing to
clusters/ - the base setup to get a management cluster going
- ...
helm-values/ - git crypted helm values to be used for app installs
- ${app}.yaml - value overrides
- ${app}-defaults.yaml - default values we generate on install
apps/ - setup for apps within your cluster fleet
- repositories/ - contains all helm repositories you want to register for deployments
- services/ - contains specification for all services you want to create w/in your cluster fleet
- terraform/
  - ${app}.tf - entrypoint for a given app
  - ${app}/ - submodule for individual app terraform

You're free to extend this as you'd like, although if you use the plural marketplace that structure will be expected. You can also deploy services w/ manifests in other repos, this is meant to serve as a base to define the core infrastructure and get you started in a sane way.

Add a workload cluster to your fleet

There are generally two methods for managing workload clusters within your fleet. You can either use terraform directly, leveraging the modules we've provided you as a sane starting point with whatever tweaks you might need, or you can use our Cluster API integration. There are two main differences:

  • terraform is more familiar and provides more fine grained control/easier integration with surrounding cloud resources and IAM systems
  • CAPI provides a seamless gitops flow and a consolidated API to create clusters w/o much development effort at all

Creating CAPI clusters is documented on To create a terraform based cluster, we recommend defining the cloud resources in your /clusters folder, eg in a new file named like so:

module "prod" {
  source       = "../bootstrap/terraform/clouds/aws" // replace aws with gcp/azure/etc for other clouds
  cluster_name = "boot-prod"
  vpc_name     = "plural-prod"
  create_db    = false
  providers = {
    helm =

// setting up the helm provider is necessary for AWS as it'll install a few core resources via helm by default, ignore for AKS/GKE
data "aws_eks_cluster_auth" "prod" {
  name =

  depends_on = [ ]

provider "helm" {
  kubernetes {
    host                   =
    cluster_ca_certificate = base64decode(
    token                  =
  alias = "prod"

Then in your apps/terraform folder, we'd recommend adding a file with a simple module invocation like:

module "prod" {
  source       = "../../bootstrap/terraform/modules/eks-byok"
  cluster_name = "boot-prod"
  cluster_handle = "boot-prod"
  tags = {
    role = "workload"
    stage = "dev"

This will register the cluster in your instance of the plural console. You need to put it in the separate terraform stack because that's where the plural terraform provider has actually been fully initialized. There's of course plenty of flexibility as to how you'd want to organize this especially for larger scale usecases, but this should serve most organizations well.

One other common pattern we anticipate is for separate suborganizations each sharing a company wide Plural console to register it w/in their own git repos defining independent stacks for their own cluster sets (removing the need for a consistent network layer terraform can execute on and the security challenges that evokes). In that world you'd just need to configure the Plural terraform provider from the start and can still utilize our wrapper modules as done above.


bootstrapping resources for a new plural management cluster

License:Apache License 2.0


Language:HCL 84.5%Language:Liquid 6.7%Language:Smarty 6.5%Language:Mustache 1.8%Language:Makefile 0.4%