plokhotnyuk / pwa.pool

PWA Pool maintenance app using Akka-Http, Quill, uPickle, ScalaJs, Laminar, Jodd Mail and Postgresql.

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PWA Pool App

PWA Pool maintenance app using Akka-Http, Quill, uPickle, ScalaJs, Laminar and Postgresql.


  1. brew install postgresql
  2. brew install node
  3. npm install jsdom


Provide valid configuration for:

  1. Postgresql
  2. SMTP

in these conf files:

  1. jvm/src/it/resources/test.server.conf
  2. jvm/src/main/resoures/server.conf


None of the following Scalajs bundling options yield satisfactory results:

  1. ScalaJS Bundler:
  2. Sbt Web:
  3. Sbt Web ScalaJS:

There is no Scalajs bundling standard.


Using ( libraryDependencies += "org.scala-js" %% "scalajs-env-jsdom-nodejs" % "1.1.0" ) in plugins.sbt provides access to a NodeJs environment ( ) for testing. Yet the following jsEnv shortcomings exist:

  1. NodeJs - Window object not supported.
  2. NodeJs and Jsdom - Window object supported. IndexedDB not supported. Other Windows libraries likely not supported.
  3. PhantomJS - Throws exception. Advanced configuration not available.
  4. Selenium - Doesn't support headless.

Use utest ( ) for testing.


[ shared ]

  1. sbt [ interactive session ]
  2. project shared
  3. clean | compile | test

[ jvm ]

  1. sbt [ interactive session ]
  2. project jvm
  3. clean | compile | test | it:test

[ js ]

  1. sbt [ interactive session ]
  2. project js
  3. clean | fastLinkJS | fullLinkJS
  4. open target/scala-2.13/classes/public/index.html and:
    1. click target browser in right top corner ( Intellij )
    2. right click open with Live Server ( VSCode ) ( must install Live Server extension )
  5. open developer tools in index.html browser tab


  1. sbt sharedJVM/clean test
  2. sbt jvm/clean it:test



  1. sbt jvm/run [ curl -v http://localhost:7979/now ]


  1. open target/scala-2.13/classes/public/index.html and:
    1. click target browser in right top corner ( Intellij )
    2. right click open with Live Server ( VSCode ) ( must install Live Server extension )
  2. open developer tools in index.html browser tab


See sbt-native-packager ( ) for details on universal:packageZipTarball.


  1. sbt jvm/universal:packageZipTarball


  1. sbt js/clean fullLinkJS
  2. sbt js/universal:packageZipTarball

Http Codes

The Router only emits: 200, 400, 401, 500


  • Command => Fault | Event
  • Entity => Fault | State


  • CommandProxy => EventHandler
  • EntityProxy => StateHandler


  • Register( email ) => Registering( inProgress )
  • Login( pin ) => LoggedIn( account )
  • Deactivate( license ) => Deactivated( account )
  • Reactivate( license ) => Reactivated( account )


  • Register ( email )
  • Login ( pin )
  • Account ( license, email, pin, activated, deactivated )


  1. Pool
    • Pools -> Pool
    • Surfaces -> Surface
    • Pumps -> Pump
    • Timers -> Timer -> TimerSettings
    • Heaters -> Heater -> HeaterSettings -> HeaterSetting
  2. Maintenance
    • Measurments -> Measurement **
    • Cleanings -> Cleaning **
    • Chemicals -> Chemical **
  3. Expenses
    • Supplies -> Supply **
    • Repairs -> Repair **

** Charts -> measurements, cleanings, chemicals, supplies and repairs.


Public url: /

  • /now
  • /register
  • /login
  • /deactivate
  • /reactivate

API url: /api/v1/pool

  • /pools /add /update
  • /surfaces /add /update
  • /pumps /add /update
  • /timers /add /update
  • /timersettings /add /update
  • /heaters /add /update
  • /heatersettings /add /update
  • /measurements /add /update
  • /cleanings /add /update
  • /chemicals /add /update
  • /supplies /add /update
  • /repairs /add /update

Object Model

  • Account(license, email, pin, activated, deactivated)
  • Pool(id, license, name, built, lat, lon, volume)
  • Surface(id, poolId, installed, kind)
  • Pump(id, poolId, installed, model)
  • Timer(id, poolId, installed, model)
  • TimerSetting(id, timerId, created, timeOn, timeOff)
  • Heater(id, poolId, installed, model)
  • HeaterSetting(id, heaterId, temp, dateOn, dateOff)
  • Measurement(id, poolId, measured, temp, totalHardness, totalChlorine, totalBromine, freeChlorine, ph, totalAlkalinity, cyanuricAcid)
  • Cleaning(id, poolId, cleaned, brush, net, vacuum, skimmerBasket, pumpBasket, pumpFilter, deck)
  • Chemical(id, poolId, added, chemical, amount, unit)
  • Supply(id, poolId, purchased, cost, supply, amount, unit)
  • Repair(id, poolId, repaired, cost, repair)
  • Fault(id, dateOf, timeOf, code, cause)

Relational Model

  • Account 1 ---> * Pool
  • Pool 1 ---> * Surface | Pump | Timer | Heater | Measurement | Cleaning | Chemical | Supply | Repair
  • Timer 1 ---> * TimerSetting
  • Heater 1 ---> * HeaterSetting
  • Fault


  1. total hardness 0 - 1000 ok = 250 - 500 ideal = 375
  2. total chlorine 0 - 10 ok = 1 - 5 ideal = 3
  3. total bromine 0 - 20 ok = 2 - 10 ideal = 5
  4. free chlorine 0 - 10 ok = 1 - 5 ideal = 3
  5. ph 6.2 - 8.4 ok = 7.2 - 7.6 ideal = 7.4
  6. total alkalinity 0 - 240 ok = 80 - 120 ideal = 100
  7. cyanuric acid 0 - 300 ok = 30 - 100 ideal = 50
  8. temp 0 - 100

** Units of Measure - oz, gl, lb


  1. Chlorine for pool.
  2. Chlorine tablets for pool filtration system.
  3. Pool Shock


Suggested solutions to chemical imbalances.

  1. high ph - Sodium Bisulfate
  2. low ph - Sodium Carbonate, Soda Ash
  3. high alkalinity - Muriatic Acid, Sodium Bisulfate
  4. low alkalinity - Sodium Bicarbonate, Baking Soda
  5. calcium hardness - Calcium Chloride
  6. low chlorine - Chlorine Tablets, Granules, Liquid
  7. algae - Algaecide, Shock
  8. stains - Stain Identification Kit, Stain Remover


  • descriptions - cleanings, measurements
  • images - add, edit, chart


  1. measurements - line chart ( x = date, y = chemical )
  2. cleanings - line chart ( x = date, y = month )
  3. chemicals - bar chart ( x = date, y = amount, c = chemical )
  4. supplies - bar chart ( x = date, y = cost, c = item )
  5. repairs - line chart ( x = date, y = cost )


  1. Format: yyyy-MM-dd
  2. String: 1999-01-01, 1999-12-16
  3. Int: 19990101, 19991216


  1. Format: HH:mm
  2. String: 01:01, 19:14
  3. Int: 101, 1914


  1. conf:
    1. on osx intel: /usr/local/var/postgres/postgresql.conf : listen_addresses = ‘localhost’, port = 5432
    2. on osx m1: /opt/homebrew/var/postgres/postgresql.conf : listen_addresses = ‘localhost’, port = 5432
  2. build.sbt:
    1. IntegrationTest / javaOptions += "-Dquill.binds.log=true"
  3. run:
    1. brew services start postgresql
  4. logs:
    1. on osx intel: /usr/local/var/log/postgres.log
    2. on m1: /opt/homebrew/var/log/postgres.log


Example database url: postgresql://localhost:5432/pool?user=mycomputername&password='"

  1. psql postgres
  2. CREATE DATABASE pool OWNER [your computer name];
  3. GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE pool TO [your computer name];
  4. \l
  5. \q
  6. psql pool
  7. \i ddl.sql
  8. \q


Alternatively run: psql -d pool -f ddl.sql ( see RouterTest )

  1. psql pool
  2. \i ddl.sql
  3. \q


  1. psql postgres
  2. drop database pool;
  3. \q


To eliminate unused ExecutionContext variable errors, this scalac option must be set in the build.sbt:

scalacOptions ++= Seq(

Quill macros use the implicit ExecutionContext. The Quill ctx.transaction code does not.


PWA Pool maintenance app using Akka-Http, Quill, uPickle, ScalaJs, Laminar, Jodd Mail and Postgresql.

License:Apache License 2.0


Language:Scala 80.2%Language:CSS 18.9%Language:HTML 0.9%