pliniocampinas / Entity-Framework-Core-Generic-Repository

Offering you a complete abstraction of the UnitOfWork-Pattern with the basic CRUD-Operations, the Repository Pattern and extended functions like CustomRepositores all in one small lib. Made for the Entity Framework Core.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Generic Repository Pattern (ASP.NET Core)

NuGet Downloads

Offering you a complete abstraction of the UnitOfWork-Pattern & Repository pattern with the basic CRUD-Operations, the Repository Pattern and extended functions like CustomRepositores all in one small lib. Made for the Entity Framework Core.

See the Sample-Project how this works.


See Nuget to load this package: Nuget

Install-Package OfferingSolutions.GenericEFCore
dotnet add package OfferingSolutions.GenericEFCore

Have fun. Hope this helps :)


Example for Generic Repositories

interface IPersonRepository : IGenericRepositoryContext<Person>

public class PersonRepository : GenericRepositoryContext<Person>, IPersonRepository
    public PersonRepository(DataBaseContext dbContext)
        : base(dbContext)


Or you can add and overwrite methods

interface IPersonRepository : IGenericRepositoryContext<Person>
    void MyNewFunction(int id);

    void Add(Person toAdd);
public class PersonRepository : GenericRepositoryContext<Person>, IPersonRepository
    public PersonRepository(DataBaseContext dbContext)
        : base(dbContext)


    public void MyNewFunction(int id)
        //Do Something

    public override void Add(Person toAdd)

    private void MyAdditionalAddFunction()
        //Do something else...
using (IPersonRepository personRepository = new PersonRepository(new DataBaseContext()))
    personRepository.Add(new Person() { Name = "John Doe" });
    var receivedPerson = personRepository.GetSingle(x => x.Name == "John Doe");

    // Does something good ...


Get all entities

IQueryable<T> GetAll();
Task<IQueryable<T>> GetAllAsync()

Example: personRepository.GetAll();

Gets all entities with predicate

IQueryable<T> GetAll([predicate])
Task<IQueryable<T>> GetAllAsync([predicate])

Example: personRepository.GetAll(x => x.Name == "John Doe");

Gets all entities and includes child entities

IQueryable<T> GetAll([include])
Task<IQueryable<T>> GetAllAsync([include])

Example: personRepository.GetAll(source => source.Include(y => y.Things));

Gets all entities with predicate and includes a child entity

IQueryable<T> GetAll([predicate],[include])
Task<IQueryable<T>> GetAllAsync([predicate],[include])

Example: personRepository.GetAll(x => x.Name == "John Doe", source => source.Include(y => y.Things));

Gets all entities with predicate, includes, orderby, skip & take; all nullable (orderby as lambda)

IQueryable<T> GetAll([predicate],[include],[orderBy],[skip],[take])
Task<IQueryable<T>> GetAllAsync([predicate],[include],[orderBy],[skip],[take])

Example: personRepository.GetAll(predicate: x => x.Name == "John Doe", source => source.Include(y => y.Things), orderBy: q => q.OrderBy(d => d.Name));

Gets all entities with predicate, includes, orderby (string), orderDirection (string), skip & take; all nullable

IQueryable<T> GetAll([predicate],[include],[orderBy],[orderDirection],[skip],[take])
Task<IQueryable<T>> GetAllAsync([predicate],[include],[orderBy],[orderDirection],[skip],[take])

Example: personRepository.GetAll(predicate: x => x.Name == "John Doe", source => source.Include(y => y.Things), orderBy: "Name", "asc", 5, 5);

Gets single entity with predicate and include; all nullable

T GetSingle([predicate],[include]);
Task<T> GetSingleAsync([predicate],[include])

Example: personRepository.GetSingle(x => x.Name == "John Doe"); or personRepository.GetSingle(x => x.Name == "John Doe", source => source.Include(y => y.Things));

Adding an entity

void Add([entity]);
void AddAsync([entity])

Example: personRepository.Add(new Person() { Name = "John Doe" });

Updating an entity

T Update([entity])

Example: personRepository.Update(changedPerson);

Deleting an entity

void Delete([entity]);
void Delete([predicate]);

Example: personRepository.Delete(toDelete); or personRepository.Delete(x => x.Id == id);

Count entities

int Count();
int Count([predicate]);

Example: personRepository.Count(); or personRepository.Count(x => x.Name == "John Doe");

Saving entities

int Save()
Task<int> SaveAsync()

Example: personRepository.Save();

Complete Unit of Work

Example for complete Unit of Work

using (IOsUnitOfWorkContext unitOfWorkContext = new OsUnitOfWorkContext(new DataBaseContext()))
    Person person = new Person()
        Age = 35,
        Name = "Fabian",
        Things = new List<Thing>() {
        new Thing()
            Name = "A Thing"

    // Adding a new Entity, for example "Person"

    // Savechanges


    // Get all Persons
    var persons = unitOfWorkContext.GetAll<Person>().ToList();
    var personsAsync = unitOfWorkContext.GetAllAsync<Person>();

    foreach (var item in persons)
        Console.WriteLine(item.Name + " " + item.Age);

    List<Person> allPersonsOnAge35 = unitOfWorkContext.GetAll<Person>(x => x.Age == 35).ToList();


    // Get all Persons with the age of 35 ordered by Name
    List<Person> allPersonsOnAge35Ordered = unitOfWorkContext.GetAll<Person>(x => x.Age == 35, orderBy: q => q.OrderBy(d => d.Name)).ToList();

    // Get all Persons with the age of 35 ordered by Name and include its properties
    Func<IQueryable<Person>, IIncludableQueryable<Person, object>> include = source => source.Include(y => y.Things);

    List<Person> allPersonsOnAge35OrderedAndWithThings = unitOfWorkContext.GetAll<Person>(
        x => x.Age == 35,
        orderBy: q => q.OrderBy(d => d.Name),
        include: include)

    // Get all Persons and include its properties
    List<Person> allPersonsWithThings = unitOfWorkContext.GetAll<Person>(include: include).ToList();

    // Find a single Person with a specific name, is null if not found
    Person findBy = unitOfWorkContext.GetSingle<Person>(x => x.Id == 6);
    var findByASync = unitOfWorkContext.GetSingleAsync<Person>(x => x.Id == 6);

    // Find a single Person with a specific name and include its siblings
    Person findByWithThings = unitOfWorkContext.GetSingle<Person>(x => x.Name == "Fabian", include: include);

    // Find a person by id but throws exception if not found
    // var personWithIdMayThrowException = unitOfWorkContext.GetSingleBy<Person>(x => x.Id == 6);
    // var personWithIdMayThrowExceptionASync = unitOfWorkContext.GetSingleByASync<Person>(x => x.Id == 6);

    // Update an existing person
    Person findOneToUpdate = unitOfWorkContext.GetSingle<Person>(x => x.Name == "Fabian");
    findOneToUpdate.Name = "Fabian2";


    Person findOneAfterUpdate = unitOfWorkContext.GetSingle<Person>(x => x.Name == "Fabian2");

    // Deleting a Person by Id or by entity


Offering you a complete abstraction of the UnitOfWork-Pattern with the basic CRUD-Operations, the Repository Pattern and extended functions like CustomRepositores all in one small lib. Made for the Entity Framework Core.

License:MIT License


Language:C# 100.0%