Receive an email when somebody mentions you on IRC.
- You're mailed when somebody mentions you (or when your nick appears in the message)
- You're mailed when a message is send to everyone on the channel
- You're mailed when somebody sends you a private message
This plugin uses sendmail wrapper to send emails. If you have postfix or exim installed it's already in your system. Otherwise you can use nullmailer or ssmtp.
You'll also need MIME::Lite library for Perl.
On Debian/Ubuntu you can install it with
apt-get install libmime-lite-perl
Copy to ~/.scripts/irssi and optionally symlink it to ~/.scripts/irssi/autorun
$ ssh
$ curl | sh
Open Irssi and type the following command in any window
/script load
Define how long should the plugin wait for activity? 2 minutes is default
30s = 30 seconds, 5m = 5 minutes, etc.
/set email_mentions_delay 5m
Set email recipient. yourUsername@localhost is default
/set email_mentions_to_address
Set email sender. irssi@localhost is default
/set email_mentions_from_address
Don't forget to save your config