plaublin / intel_sgx_tutorial

A tutorial to learn how to build secure applications for Intel SGX platforms in C and Rust

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Intel SGX tutorial


Cloud computing users send their code and data to the cloud provider, effectively transferring control over a third party. This poses security threats: data leakage, unauthorized modifications, etc. Even if the cloud provider spends a considerable amount of time securing his infrastructure, a simple bug could break havoc.

Faced with this challenge, several Trusted Execution Environments (TEEs) have been proposed, such as Intel SGX, ARM TrustZone, AMD SEV or RISC-V Keystone. These Trusted Execution Environments are a special execution mode of the main processor that provides security guarantees (namely confidentiality and integrity) over the code and data even in an untrusted environment where both the software (including the OS and hypervisor) as well as the hardware (excluding the CPU package) are untrusted.

Among these different TEEs, the most popular is Intel Software Guard Extensions (SGX). Intel SGX offers /enclaves/ to the developer, which are isolated from the rest of the system to handle sensitive data (see figure below). The enclave memory is always encrypted when stored outside of the main CPU, in a special region of DRAM called /Enclave Page Cache/ (EPC). The Intel Memory Encryption Engine (MEE) is then in charge of transparent encryption/decryption upon data movement. The EPC is shared between all the running enclaves, but each enclave memory pages are isolated from other enclaves. This means that inter-enclaves secure communication needs to be implemented by the developer.

Enclave architecture.

Historically, the first versions of Intel SGX proposed a small EPC of at most a hundreds of MBs. The most recent version of SGX, called Scalable SGX and present on the 3rd generation of Intel Xeon Scalable processors, extends this limit to hundreds of GBs, but at the cost of lack of integrity protection against hardware attacks: an attacker could physically tamper with the memory module or bus to revert (part of) the EPC to a previously valid state (see this paper).

Intel SGX provides an attestation mechanism so that remote clients can verify the enclave has been correctly initialised on a real SGX hardware. This attestation mechanism relies on some cryptographic keys unique to each CPU and a trusted third-party (see this paper).

Intel SGX provides a set of assembly instructions to develop an enclave. For ease of use, Intel has developed the SGX SDK for C/C++ applications. The idea when developing with Intel SGX is to execute only parts of our application inside the enclave, in order to minimize the attack surface. Note that some projects, such as SCONE or SGX-LKL, execute an entire application inside the enclave, which have their own advantages and drawbacks. Please see the "Further readings" section.

Entering and exiting the enclave is done via a precise interface composed of /enclave calls/ (ecalls) and /outside calls/ (ocalls). This interface, in a C-like language, also specifies how data is moved between inside and outside the enclave (e.g., from the inside to the outside, etc.). We will present it in more details below.

The Rust programming language is designed with performance and safety in mind. Its compiler prevents a wide range of runtime errors such as buffer overflow, data races, etc. As these errors can lead to severe security vulnerabilities, it is but natural that developers consider it for building their secure applications. To this end they can leverage the Apache Teaclave SGX or Fortanix EDP SDKs.

In this tutorial we will write simple SGX applications both in C/C++ and Rust, leveraging the official Intel SGX and Apache Teaclave SDKs. We will use the Intel SGX SDK version 2.17, which is the latest release at the time of writing this tutorial. We consider you are running a recent version of Ubuntu (e.g., 20.04 LTS). Having access to real SGX hardware is preferable but not mandatory: the SDK also provides a software mode that emulates the enclave behaviour.

The source code of the examples can be found here.

Intel SGX SDK (C/C++)

The Intel SGX SDK provides abstractions over the SGX assembly instructions. In particular, it provides: - a way to define the enclave interface, composed of /enclave calls/ (ecalls) and /outside calls/ (ocalls); - a trusted subset of the C/C++ standard library; - a cryptographic library (secure hash, encryption, etc.); - some synchronization primitives; - random number generation; - etc.

A more detailed list of functionalities can be found in the Developer Reference.

Enclave transitions (ecalls or ocalls) are a performance bottleneck and should be avoided if possible. Techniques such as asynchronous calls implemented in TaLoS, or switchless calls implemented in the SGX SDK (via the transition_using_threads; see Intel documentation) can help to alleviate this problem.


The installation is a multi-steps process. If your hardware supports Intel SGX, you need to install the driver. This step is not necessary if your hardware does not support Intel SGX and/or you will run the examples in simulation mode. In all cases you need to follow the instructions to install a few extra packages and the Intel SGX SDK.

This tutorial has been written and tested with the Intel SGX SDK version 2.17:

For more information, please refer to the official documentation.

Intel SGX driver

There exists 3 versions: (i) in-kernel driver, included in Linux since v5.11; (ii) DCAP driver (which stands for "Data Center Attestation Primitives"); and (iii) out-of-tree driver. For production environments, the in-kernel or DCAP driver is to be preferred. For debugging and ease of use, as in this tutorial, we will use the out-of-tree driver.

The latest driver and documentation can be found here. Please check this link to find the correct driver for your distribution. For example, for Ubuntu 20.04, the 3 driver versions are located here. The out-of-tree driver is the one with an hexadecimal chain in the name, e.g., sgx_linux_x64_driver_2.11.054c9c4c.bin.

Please follow these instructions to install the driver:

$ export SGX_DRIVER="sgx_linux_x64_driver_2.11.054c9c4c.bin" 
$ sudo apt install build-essential ocaml automake autoconf libtool wget python libssl-dev
$ chmod +x $SGX_DRIVER
$ sudo ./$SGX_DRIVER

Once the installation is complete, a character device /dev/isgx should appear and an uninstall script has been placed in /opt/intel/sgxdriver.

A few extra packages and aesmd service

The following steps are mandatory for both hardware and simulation modes.

We will add the Intel SGX SDK repository to our package manager and download Intel SGX packages (the last line installs debug symbols packages).

$ echo 'deb [arch=amd64] focal main' | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/intel-sgx.list
$ wget -qO - | sudo apt-key add
$ sudo apt update
$ sudo apt install libsgx-epid libsgx-quote-ex libsgx-aesm-launch-plugin
$ sudo apt install libsgx-urts-dbgsym libsgx-enclave-common-dbgsym

If you have SGX-capable hardware, the aesmd service should now be running:

$ sudo service aesmd status
● aesmd.service - Intel(R) Architectural Enclave Service Manager
Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/aesmd.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
Active: active (running)


We need to download and install the SGX SDK. We will install it in the /opt/intel/sgxsdk directory:

$ export SGX_SDK=sgx_linux_x64_sdk_2.17.100.3.bin
$ wget$SGX_SDK
$ chmod +x $SGX_SDK
$ sudo ./$SGX_SDK --prefix /opt/intel

The SGX SDK is now installed in /opt/intel/sgxsdk. To set all environment variables, in particular to get access to the debugger, run the following command:

$ source /opt/intel/sgxsdk/environment

Hello World!

As always, we start with a simple "Hello World!" application, located in the hello_world directory in this tutorial source code . It contains the following files:

  • main.c: untrusted code, main entry point;
  • enclave.c: enclave code;
  • enclave.edl: contains the enclave interface (list of ecalls and ocalls);
  • enclave.config.xml: enclave configuration file. In particular it defines the maximal numbers of concurrent threads inside the enclave (TCSNum) and the heap maximal size in bytes (HeapMaxSize);
  • necessary to create the enclave shared library;
  • enclave_private_test.pem: private key used to sign the enclave;
  • Makefile.


The figure below details the SGX SDK compilation process. The enclave.edl file, which describes the enclave interface, is used by the sgx_edger8r tool to generate two set of files, enclave_t.[ch] and enclave_u.[ch]. These files contain the ecalls and ocalls definition as C code. Both the untrusted code and trusted code can then be compiled. The untrusted code compilation generates a binary file while the trusted code compilation generates the enclave library The sgx_sign tool finally reads the enclave configuration file to sign the enclave library. The developer can then ship the binary with the signed enclave to its users.

Compilation process.

By default, the Makefile compiles the code in hardware mode. To compile in simulation mode, for example if you do not have SGX-capable hardware, prepend SGX_MODE=SIM to the call to make. Note that simulation mode does not offer any protection to your code.

In summary,

  • to compile in hardware mode: make;
  • to compile in simulation mode: SGX_MODE=SIM make.


Executing the binary file produces the following result. If you need to debug your application, please use sgx-gdb instead of gdb. Behaviours are similar.

$ ./app
Hello World!

The following error can be encountered if you compile for hardware mode but do not have SGX hardware:

$ ./app
Info: Please make sure SGX module is enabled in the BIOS, and install SGX driver afterwards.
Error: Invalid SGX device.
Cannot initialize the enclave...

To fix it: make clean; SGX_MODE=SIM make.

Enclave interface

The enclave interface of this example contains two functions: ecall_entrypoint() and ocall_printf([in, string] const char* str). While not mandatory, it is good practice to prefix the ecalls and ocalls names with ecall or ocall to clearly identify them.

ecall_entrypoint() is our entry-point to the enclave. It does not take any argument and does not return any value. However, the SGX SDK automatically generates wrappers with the same name but different arguments (in enclave_u.h) that will be called by our untrusted code: sgx_status_t ecall_entrypoint(sgx_enclave_id_t eid). The return type, sgx_status_t, is either SGX_SUCCESS if the ecall execution was successful, or an error otherwise (e.g., SGX_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY if the enclave ran out of memory). All the possible errors are defined in /opt/intel/sgxsdk/include/sgx_error.h. As for sgx_enclave_id_t eid, this is a special number generated when the enclave has been created and that uniquely identifies it.

In addition, the public keyword before the ecall specifies that the ecall can always be made. If private, the ecall can only be made during an ocall.

The SGX SDK standard library does not contain any I/O functions, such as printf(), write(), or read(). Indeed, I/O operations are not supported inside enclaves. Instead it is necessary to make a call outside the enclave that will then execute the appropriate function. This is the purpose of the ocall_printf() ocall: its definition, in main.c, simply calls printf().

In the ocall argument, [in, string] defines how data is copied from/to the enclave upon an ecall or ocall. The most useful identifiers are:

  • in: data is copied to the called environment at the beginning of the call, i.e., to the untrusted environment for an ocall and to the enclave for an ecall;
  • out: data is copied out of the called environment after the call, i.e., out of the untrusted environment for an ocall and out of the enclave for an ecall;
  • user_check: data movement is left to the developer;
  • string: data is a null-byte terminated string;
  • size=x: x bytes will be copied.

Note that the security of the enclave heavily depends on the security of its interface, so please be careful when choosing the identifiers. For example, user_check makes the implementation easier, but an attacker might be able to launch a time-of-check to time-of-use attack.

Two last points that are not present in our enclave.edl but important to note are:

  • it is necessary to specify which ecalls an ocall can make, with this syntax: ocall_xxx() allow(ecall_xxx);;
  • errno is not propagated by default. To propagate it, add the propagate_errno keyword after the ocall: ocall_xxx() propagate_errno;.

Enclave code

As mentioned above, enclaves do not support I/O operations. Thus, the printf() function is not defined by the SDK standard library. Our enclave code simply defines this function, which constructs a buffer from its arguments and makes an ocall to print this buffer.


In this section we will work on a more advanced project: executing an SQLite database inside an SGX enclave. In addition, it will be possible to execute the same code with or without SGX, which makes development, debugging and performance evaluation easier.

The code can be found in <this/tutorial/root/directory>/sgx_sqlite. Note that this version of SQLite supports only upper-case SQL statements, e.g., CREATE but not create.

How to compile the application

Makefile.nosgx compiles the code without SGX support.

Makefile.sgx compiles the code with Intel SGX support. It also defines the COMPILE_WITH_INTEL_SGX macro that you can use to detect if the code has to be compiled with Intel SGX or not; and pre-processes the enclave source files first (flag -E), before compiling them to object files. This step is necessary to ensure that all the definitions missing from the Intel SGX SDK libraries have first been resolved by using the headers of the system.

In summary,

  • to compile without SGX: make -f Makefile.nosgx;
  • to compile with SGX (hardware mode): make -f Makefile.sgx;
  • to compile with SGX (simulation mode): SGX_MODE=SIM make -f Makefile.sgx.

How to run the application

With the generated binary, main_nosgx without SGX or app_sgx with SGX, you can create an SQL database and execute arbitrary statements, entered from the command line (one statement per line). The database can either be stored in memory (using ":memory:" as its name) or on disk. The input.txt file contains a few SQL statements that you can use to test it:

$ cat input.txt
CREATE TABLE towns ( town VARCHAR(64), county VARCHAR(64), state VARCHAR(2) NOT NULL);

INSERT INTO towns VALUES ('Billerica','Middlesex','MA');
INSERT INTO towns VALUES ('Buffalo','Erie','NY');
INSERT INTO towns VALUES ('Bay View','Erie','OH');

SELECT count(*) AS total FROM towns;
SELECT town, state FROM towns ORDER BY town;

$ ./main_nosgx :memory: < input.txt # or ./app_sgx :memory: < input.txt
Opening Sqlite database (:memory:)...
Enter SQL commands; QUIT to terminate the program.
> > > > > > >  3 |
>  Bay View | OH |
Billerica | MA |
Buffalo | NY |

Enclave shim layer explanation

Compared to hello_world, you will find several new files that will help us to build a wrapper around the in-enclave library:

  • enclaveshim_ecalls.[ch]: initialization of the enclave and implementation of the ecalls, on the untrusted side;
  • enclaveshim_ocalls.[ch]: implementation of the ocalls, on the trusted side;
  • ocalls.[ch]: implementation of the ocalls, on the untrusted side;
  • enclaveshim_log.h: provides two macros to print debug messages when entering and leaving each ecall and ocall. These macros have to be manually called by your code. To activate the messages, you need to define the LOG_ENCLAVE_ENTER_EXIT macro;
  • user_types.h: defines several types needed by the SGX SDK tools to build the shim code for ecalls and ocalls. These types are used in the ecalls and ocalls prototypes;

The figure below depicts the architecture of the source code: (i) the enclave library is composed of database.[ch] and sqlite3.[ch] files; (ii) the enclave wrapper is composed of the enclaveshim_* and ocalls.[ch] files; and (iii) the main function is present inside main.c. The enclave shim for ecalls initializes the enclave and redefines all the functions that are exposed by the library, so that main() can transparently call them without knowledge of the enclave. On the other side, the enclave shim for ocalls redefines all the functions that do not exist inside the enclave (e.g., calls to libc) so that the in-enclave code can compile transparently. This shim layer implements the code to make the ocalls to the real functions that live outside of the enclave.

Enclave shim layer.

Teaclave SGX SDK (Rust)

The Apache Teaclave SGX SDK is a SGX SDK for the Rust programming language. It provides bindings to the official Intel SGX SDK.


First, you need to have Rust and the official Intel SGX SDK installed on your platform. Then you can download the Teaclave SGX SDK:

$ cd <this/tutorial/root/directory>
$ git clone
$ cd incubator-teaclave-sgx-sdk
$ git checkout 08264d6bff679d6047e5e9bc36058b4475c58ed4 # this commit is known to work

If you have obtained this tutorial as a git repository, Teaclave is a submodule:

$ cd <this/tutorial/root/directory>
$ git submodule update --init

The repository contains several interesting files and folders:

  • documents: documentation;
  • dockerfile: the necessary to test the SDK inside a docker image (we will not use it);
  • rust-toolchain: a file containing the name of the rust toolchain to be used with the SDK;
  • samplecode: several sample codes;
  • sgx_xxx: SDK source code;
  • etc.

Hello World!

This section reuses the hello-rust application in the incubator-teaclave-sgx-sdk/samplecode directory. This sample application code structure is:

├── Makefile
├── app
│   ├── Cargo.toml
│   ├──
│   └── src
│       └──
├── bin
│   └── readme.txt
├── enclave
│   ├── Cargo.toml
│   ├── Enclave.config.xml
│   ├── Enclave.edl
│   ├──
│   ├── Enclave_private.pem
│   ├── Makefile
│   ├── Xargo.toml
│   ├── src
│   │   └──
│   └── x86_64-unknown-linux-sgx.json
└── lib
    └── readme.txt

Important points are:

  • the Makefile at the root of the application compiles it;
  • the app directory relates to the untrusted side (code in app/src);
  • app/ is used internally during compilation; do not change it;
  • the enclave directory relates to the enclave (code in enclave/src);
  • the bin directory will contain the binaries (application and enclave library);
  • the lib directory is used during compilation;
  • Xargo.toml is used by the Xargo tool, that we will not use
  • Enclave.edl, Enclave.config.xml and similar are the same files as the one of the Intel SGX SDK.

By default the code is compiled in hardware mode and Rust release mode (i.e., with optimisations enabled). To compile the enclave in simulation mode, change SGX_MODE in the Makefile to SGX_MODE=SW. To compile the Rust code in debug mode, remove --release in Makefile and enclave/Makefile.

To compile the code, run one of these commands:

  • to compile in hardware mode: make;
  • to compile in simulation mode: SGX_MODE=SW make.

To run the code:

$ cd bin/
$ ./app
[+] Init Enclave Successful 2!
This is a normal world string passed into Enclave!
This is a in-Enclave Rust string!
[+] say_something success...

The following error can be encountered if you compile for hardware mode but do not have SGX hardware: Init Enclave Failed SGX_ERROR_NO_DEVICE!. To fix it: make clean; SGX_MODE=SW make.

For most of it, both the Intel SGX SDK and Teaclave SGX SDK are used in a similar fashion, with similar functions modulo rust syntax. However, you will quickly notice that making an ecall involves an unsafe block:

let mut retval = sgx_status_t::SGX_SUCCESS;
let result = unsafe {
		&mut retval,
		input_string.as_ptr() as * const u8,
match result {
	sgx_status_t::SGX_SUCCESS => {},
	_ => {
		println!("[-] ECALL Enclave Failed {}!", result.as_str());

In this example, the retval and result variables are somewhat confusing. result is the value returned by the SGX SDK upon an ecall, while retval is the value returned by the say_something function in the enclave.

In addition, the ecalls need to be defined inside an extern code block:

extern {
    fn say_something(eid: sgx_enclave_id_t, retval: *mut sgx_status_t,
                     some_string: *const u8, len: usize) -> sgx_status_t;

The enclave interface definition file (enclave/Enclave.edl) then specifies the C interface:

enclave {
    from "sgx_tstd.edl" import *;
    from "sgx_stdio.edl" import *;
    from "sgx_backtrace.edl" import *;
    from "sgx_tstdc.edl" import *;
    trusted {
        public sgx_status_t say_something([in, size=len] const uint8_t* some_string, size_t len);

Finally, enclave/src/ contains the enclave code, and in particular the implementation of the ecall:

pub extern "C" fn say_something(some_string: *const u8, some_len: usize) -> sgx_status_t {

    let str_slice = unsafe { slice::from_raw_parts(some_string, some_len) };
    let _ = io::stdout().write(str_slice);

    // A sample &'static string
    let rust_raw_string = "This is a in-Enclave ";
    // An array
    let word:[u8;4] = [82, 117, 115, 116];
    // An vector
    let word_vec:Vec<u8> = vec![32, 115, 116, 114, 105, 110, 103, 33];

    // Construct a string from &'static string
    let mut hello_string = String::from(rust_raw_string);

    // Iterate on word array
    for c in word.iter() {
        hello_string.push(*c as char);

    // Rust style convertion
    hello_string += String::from_utf8(word_vec).expect("Invalid UTF-8")

    // Ocall to normal world for output
    println!("{}", &hello_string);


#[no_mangle] is necessary for every ecall and ocall so that the compiler doesn't mangle the function names. Here we find again the value returned by the ecall (sgx_status_t::SGX_SUCCESS) that will be placed in the retval variable on the untrusted side after the ecall.

Passing data across the interface and managing the enclave state

In this section we will see how developers can pass data across the enclave interface as well as how to securely manage the enclave state.

The code is in the rust_enclave directory. It assumes the Teaclave SGX SDK is installed in this tutorial main directory (i.e., rust_enclave/../).

The paths in both Cargo.toml need to point to the Teaclave SGX SDK libraries. If you modify the location of the SDK (as we will do in the next section), then you need to updates the paths accordingly. You also need to update the TOP_DIR, CUSTOM_EDL_PATH and CUSTOM_COMMON_PATH variables in the Makefile at the root of the application, and copy the rust-toolchain file in rust_enclave.

To compile the code, run one of these commands:

  • to compile in hardware mode: make;
  • to compile in simulation mode: SGX_MODE=SW make.

To run the code:

$ cd bin
$ ./app
[+] Init Enclave Successful 2!
aes_gcm_128_encrypt invoked!
"This is a secret message." has been encrypted: [180, 198, 192, 166, 240, 116, 223, 123, 169, 28, 14, 89, 7, 189, 7, 239, 76, 173, 33, 169, 222, 8, 135, 9, 142]
aes_gcm_128_decrypt invoked!
[180, 198, 192, 166, 240, 116, 223, 123, 169, 28, 14, 89, 7, 189, 7, 239, 76, 173, 33, 169, 222, 8, 135, 9, 142] has been decrypted: "This is a secret message."
[ecall_bindgen] Set enclave state to n = 7, f = 3.1415927, done!
[ecall_bincode] Set enclave state to n = 777, f = 2.7182817, done!
[+] rust_enclave success...

Secure Enclave state

Many secure applications need to maintain some state inside the enclave. However, this would not be secure to pass this state (or a pointer to it) at every ecall invocation: a malicious attacker could manipulate the (pointer to the) state to gain access to secrets. We will thus store the state inside the enclave.

Rust does not allow static variables to be mutable. Indeed, static variables can be shared between the different threads, which would not be safe if the variable is mutable. To circumvent this problem we leverage a mutex and the Once structure:

use std::mem::MaybeUninit;
use std::sync::{Once, SgxMutex};

// This is our enclave state
struct EnclaveState {
    key: [u8; SGX_AESGCM_KEY_SIZE],
    iv: [u8; SGX_AESGCM_IV_SIZE],

struct SingletonReader {
    inner: SgxMutex<EnclaveState>,

fn singleton() -> &'static SingletonReader {
    // Create an uninitialized static
    static mut SINGLETON: MaybeUninit<SingletonReader> = MaybeUninit::uninit();
    static ONCE: Once = Once::new();
    unsafe {
        ONCE.call_once(|| {
				// create the enclave state once
            let singleton = SingletonReader {
                inner: SgxMutex::new(EnclaveState {
            // Store it to the static var, i.e. initialize it

        // Now we give out a shared reference to the data, which is safe to use
        // concurrently.

Now we can retrieve the mutable state inside ecalls via:

let mut enclave_state = singleton().inner.lock().unwrap();

Enclave interface

The enclave interface is composed of 4 ecalls:

  • ecall_aes_gcm_128_encrypt();
  • ecall_aes_gcm_128_decrypt();
  • ecall_bindgen_send_datastructure();
  • ecall_bincode_send_datastructure().

Each ecall presents a different way to send data across the interface:

  • via raw memory buffers (for encryption and decryption);
  • via C-like data structures;
  • via the bincode serialization crate.
Raw-memory buffers

With raw memory buffers, the code simply retrieves *const u8 or *mut u8 pointers (equivalent to const char* and char* in C) from the Rust objects that have to be passed across the interface.

C Bindgen

The second solution is to use bindgen to generate Rust definition from a C structure. For this, the C header file enclave/my_struct.h has been created with the following content:

#ifndef MY_STRUCT_H_
#define MY_STRUCT_H_

typedef struct MyStruct {
	int i;
	float f;
} MyStruct;


We can then generate the bindings:

$ sudo apt install llvm-dev libclang-dev clang
$ cargo install bindgen
$ bindgen enclave/my_struct.h
/* automatically generated by rust-bindgen 0.60.1 */

#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone)]
pub struct MyStruct {
    pub i: ::std::os::raw::c_int,
    pub f: f32,


This definition is then copied into our code. We have also included my_struct.h in enclave/Enclave.edl:

include "my_struct.h"

Also, the Makefile has been modified so that the compilation process finds our header file:

app/Enclave_u.o: $(Enclave_EDL_Files)
	@$(CC) $(App_C_Flags) -I./enclave/ -c app/Enclave_u.c -o $@
	@echo "CC   <=  $<"

Finally our ecall can be written and called:

// in enclave/Enclave.edl
public void ecall_bindgen_send_datastructure(struct MyStruct s);

// in enclave/src/
pub extern "C" fn ecall_bindgen_send_datastructure(s: MyStruct) {

// in app/src/
fn ecall_bindgen_send_datastructure(eid: sgx_enclave_id_t, s: MyStruct) -> sgx_status_t;
let s = MyStruct {
	i: 7,
	f: std::f32::consts::PI,
let result = unsafe { ecall_bindgen_send_datastructure(enclave.geteid(), s) };

The enclave code can use any external crate that does not rely on std. This is the case for bincode, that we will use for serialization/deserialization of our data structure. (This page lists crates that have been ported to SGX.)

Both Cargo.toml files have been modified to add the dependency:

# in app/Cargo.toml
bincode = "1.3"
serde = { version = "1.0", features = ["derive"] }

# in enclave/Cargo.toml
bincode = { git = "" }
serde = { git = "", features = ["derive"] }

The following code is our ecall:

// In app/src/
extern crate bincode;
extern crate serde;

use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};

// Serialize and Deserialize are required by bincode/serde
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub struct MyStruct {

extern "C" {

   fn ecall_bincode_send_datastructure(
       eid: sgx_enclave_id_t,
       serialized_data: *const u8,
       data_len: usize,
   ) -> sgx_status_t;

// In enclave/src/
extern crate bincode;
extern crate serde;

use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};

// Serialize and Deserialize are required by bincode/serde
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub struct MyStruct {

pub extern "C" fn ecall_bincode_send_datastructure(serialized: *const u8, len: usize) {
    let encoded = unsafe { slice::from_raw_parts(serialized, len) };
    let s: MyStruct = bincode::deserialize(&encoded[..]).unwrap();


And finally this code calls it:

// In app/src/
let s = MyStruct {
    i: 777,
    f: std::f32::consts::E,
let serialized_data: Vec<u8> = bincode::serialize(&s).unwrap();

let result = unsafe {
        serialized_data.as_ptr() as *const u8,

Further readings

Both the Intel SGX and Teaclave SDKs contain various sample code to help developers create their own applications:

  • in /opt/intel/sgdsdk/SampleCode for the Intel SGX SDK;
  • in incubator-teaclave-sgx-sdk/samplecode for the Teaclave SGX SDK.

Intel SGX has been the focus of a large number of works since its introduction in 2015. We list here a few interesting ones:

  • a list of research papers;
  • sgx-avail, to check if your hardware supports SGX or not;
  • sgx-perf, a profiler for SGX;
  • SCONE, a secure container environment based on SGX;
  • SGX-LKL, executes an entire application inside SGX by leveraging the LKL libOS;
  • TaLoS, an in-enclave TLS termination library (not well-maintained):
  • the Open enclave project aims at providing a common interface across different TEE technologies;
  • the Fortanix Rust SDK, an alternative to the Teaclave SGX SDK.


We thank the Teaclave SGX SDK discord channel for their feedback.

This tutorial is an updated and extended version of a previous blog post


A tutorial to learn how to build secure applications for Intel SGX platforms in C and Rust

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