planigan / downshift

🏎 Primitives to build simple, flexible, WAI-ARIA compliant React autocomplete/dropdown/select/combobox components

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Primitives to build simple, flexible, WAI-ARIA compliant React autocomplete/dropdown/select/combobox components

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The problem

You need an autocomplete/dropdown/select experience in your application and you want it to be accessible. You also want it to be simple and flexible to account for your use cases.

This solution

This is a collection of primitive components that you can compose together to create an autocomplete component which you can reuse in your application. It's based on ideas from the talk "Compound Components" which effectively gives you maximum flexibility with a minimal API because you are responsible for the rendering of the autocomplete components.

This differs from other solutions which render things for their use case and then expose many options to allow for extensibility causing an API that is less easy to use and less flexible as well as making the implementation more complicated and harder to contribute to.

NOTE: The original use case of this component is autocomplete, however the API is powerful and flexible enough to build things like dropdowns as well.


This component is currently under development and is not yet released...

This module is distributed via npm which is bundled with node and should be installed as one of your project's dependencies:

npm install --save downshift@beta

This package also depends on react and prop-types. Please make sure you have those installed as well.


Things are still in flux a little bit (looking for feedback).

import Autocomplete from 'downshift'

function BasicAutocomplete({items, onChange}) {
  return (
    <Autocomplete onChange={onChange}>
      }) => (
          <input {...getInputProps({placeholder: 'Favorite color ?'})} />
          {isOpen ? (
            <div style={{border: '1px solid #ccc'}}>
                  i =>
                    !inputValue ||
                .map((item, index) => (
                    {...getItemProps({value: item, index})}
                        highlightedIndex === index ? 'gray' : 'white',
                      fontWeight: selectedValue === item ? 'bold' : 'normal',
          ) : null}

function App() {
  return (
      items={['apple', 'orange', 'carrot']}
      onChange={({selectedValue}) => console.log(selectedValue)}

Available components and relevant props:


This is the only component. It doesn't render anything itself, it just calls the child function and renders that. Wrap everything in this.


function(item: any) | defaults to an identity function (i => String(i))

Used to determine the value for the selected item.


any/Array(any) | defaults to null or an empty array ([]) if the multiple prop is true

Pass an item or an array of items that should be selected by default.


number/null | defaults to null

This is the initial index to highlight when the autocomplete first opens.


boolean | defaults to false

Specifies that multiple items can be selected at once. This means that when an item is selected it will be added to the value array rather than replacing the existing value.


function({ resultCount, highlightedItem, getValue}) | default messages provided in English

This function is passed as props to a Status component nested within and allows you to create your own assertive ARIA statuses.

A default getA11yStatusMessage function is provided that will check resultCount and return "No results." or if there are results but no item is highlighted, "resultCount results are available, use up and down arrow keys to navigate." If an item is highlighted it will run getValue(highlightedItem) and display the value of the highlightedItem.


function({selectedValue, previousValue}) | required

Called when the user selects an item


function({highlightedIndex, inputValue, isOpen, selectedValue}) | not required, no useful default

This function is called anytime the internal state changes. This can be useful if you're using downshift as a "controlled" component, where you manage some or all of the state (e.g. isOpen, selectedValue, highlightedIndex, etc) and then pass it as props, rather than letting downshift control all its state itself.


number | state prop (read more below)

The index that should be highlighted


string | state prop (read more below)

The value the input should have


boolean | state prop (read more below)

Whether the menu should be considered open or closed. Some aspects of the autocomplete component respond differently based on this value (for example, if isOpen is true when the user hits "Enter" on the input field, then the item at the highlightedIndex item is selected).


any/Array(any) | state prop (read more below)

The currently selected value.


function({}) | required

This is called with an object with the properties listed below:

property type description
getRootProps function({}) returns the props you should apply to the root element that you render. It can be optional. Read more below
getInputProps function({}) returns the props you should apply to the input element that you render. Read more below
getLabelProps function({}) returns the props you should apply to the label element that you render. Read more below
getItemProps function({}) returns the props you should apply to any menu item elements you render. Read more below
getButtonProps function({}) returns the props you should apply to any menu toggle button element you render. Read more below
highlightedIndex number / null the currently highlighted item
setHighlightedIndex function(index: number) call to set a new highlighted index
value any / Array(any) the currently selected item value(s) input
inputValue string / null the current value of the getInputProps input
isOpen boolean the menu open state
toggleMenu function(state: boolean) toggle the menu open state (if state is not provided, then it will be set to the inverse of the current state)
openMenu function() opens the menu
closeMenu function() closes the menu
clearSelection function() clears the selection
selectItem function(item: any) selects the given item
selectItemAtIndex function(index: number) selects the item at the given index
selectHighlightedItem function() selects the item that is currently highlighted

The functions below are used to apply props to the elements that you render. This gives you maximum flexibility to render what, when, and wherever you like. You call these on the element in question (for example: <input {...getInputProps()})). It's advisable to pass all your props to that function rather than applying them on the element yourself to avoid your props being overridden (or overriding the props returned). For example: getInputProps({onKeyUp(event) {console.log(event)}}).


Most of the time, you can just render a div yourself and Autocompletely will apply the props it needs to do its job (and you don't need to call this function). However, if you're rendering a composite component (custom component) as the root element, then you'll need to call getRootProps and apply that to your root element.

Required properties:

  • refKey: if you're rendering a composite component, that component will need to accept a prop which it forwards to the root DOM element. Commonly, folks call this innerRef. So you'd call: getRootProps({refKey: 'innerRef'}) and your composite component would forward like: <div ref={props.innerRef} />

This method should be applied to the input you render. It is recommended that you pass all props as an object to this method which will compose together any of the event handlers you need to apply to the input while preserving the ones that downshift needs to apply to make the input behave.

There are no required properties for this method.


This method should be applied to the label you render. It is useful for ensuring that the for attribute on the <label> (htmlFor as a react prop) is the same as the id that appears on the input. If no htmlFor is provided then an ID will be generated and used for the input and the label for attribute.

There are no required properties for this method.

Note: You can definitely get by without using this (just provide an id to your input and the same htmlFor to your label and you'll be good with accessibility). However, we include this so you don't forget and it makes things a little nicer for you. You're welcome πŸ˜€


This method should be applied to any menu items you render. You pass it an object and that object must contain index (number) and value (anything) properties.

Required properties:

  • index: this is how downshift keeps track of your item when updating the highlightedIndex as the user keys around.
  • value: this is the item data that will be selected when the user selects a particular item.

Call this and apply the returned props to a button. It allows you to toggle the Menu component. You can definitely build something like this yourself (all of the available APIs are exposed to you), but this is nice because it will also apply all of the proper ARIA attributes. The aria-label prop is in English. You should probably override this yourself so you can provide translations:

<button {...getButtonProps({
  'aria-label': translateWithId(isOpen ? '' : ''),
})} />

State Props

You can pass some props which normally the downshift will manage for you. If you pass these props, then they become "controlled" props. In this situation, downshift will no longer update them directly and will instead call your onStateChange handler and expect you to update them. This can be useful if you want to control the component externally (like selecting an item from another part of the UI).

State Props are labeled above with state prop


Examples exist on

If you would like to add an example, follow these steps:

  1. Fork this codesandbox
  2. Update the code for your example (add some form of documentation to explain what it is)
  3. Update the title and description
  4. Add the tag: downshift:example


I was heavily inspired by Ryan Florence and his talk entitled: "Compound Components". I also took a few ideas from the code in react-autocomplete and jQuery UI's Autocomplete.

You can watch me build the first iteration of downshift on YouTube:

Other Solutions

You can implement these other solutions using downshift, but if you'd prefer to use these out of the box solutions, then that's fine too:


Thanks goes to these people (emoji key):

Kent C. Dodds

πŸ’» πŸ“– πŸš‡ ⚠️

Ryan Florence


Jared Forsyth

πŸ€” πŸ“–

Jack Moore


Travis Arnold

πŸ’» πŸ“–

Jeremy Gayed


Haroen Viaene




Federico Zivolo


Divyendu Singh


Muhammad Salman


JoΓ£o Alberto


Bernard Lin

πŸ’» πŸ“–

Geoff Davis




Ferdinand Salis

πŸ› πŸ’»

This project follows the all-contributors specification. Contributions of any kind welcome!




🏎 Primitives to build simple, flexible, WAI-ARIA compliant React autocomplete/dropdown/select/combobox components

License:MIT License


Language:JavaScript 100.0%