planetscale / planetscale-nestjs

Starter application demonstrating how to connect a NestJS API to a PlanetScale MySQL database

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Build a user management API with Nest.js and MySQL


This is a starter project for the Nest.js API and MySQL showing integration with PlanetScale.

Run the application

Clone this repo:

Install Dependencies

Issue the following command to navigate into the project and install its dependencies:

cd nest-planetscale-starter

npm install

Add planetscale and connect with MySQL database

Follow the Build a user management API with Nest.js and MySQL to learn how to integrate this project with PlanetScale database.


Starter application demonstrating how to connect a NestJS API to a PlanetScale MySQL database

License:Creative Commons Zero v1.0 Universal


Language:TypeScript 90.7%Language:JavaScript 9.3%