pladams9 / hexsheets

A basic spreadsheet application with hexagonal cells inspired by:

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Version Last Commit

What is HexSheets?

HexSheets is a basic spreadsheet application with hexagonal cells and a pet project of mine. It was inspired by this post:


Getting HexSheets

Option 1: "Compiled" Release

Currently only for Windows

  1. Go to Releases and download a ZIP file of the latest release.
  2. Unzip the archive.
  3. Open hexsheets-x.x.x.exe

Option 2: From Source

Assumes you have some understanding of git .

  1. Clone the repository* to your local machine.
  2. From the base directory, run pip install -r requirements.txt. Optionally, create a venv.
  3. From the /doc_src, run mkdocs build to build the documentation (under the /src/docs/ folder.)
  4. From /src run python to start HexSheets.

* There are two main branches in the repository: master, which represents the most recent "stable" release, and develop, which houses the most recent development version.

Building HexSheets

If you have the HexSheets source code on your local machine, you can run python from the base directory, and it will build (or re-build) the documentation (using mkdocs) and then freeze the python code into an executable file (using pyinstaller). The resulting files will be placed in /dist. This has currently only been tested on a Windows 10 machine - if you are able to successfully build on another OS, please let me know!


A basic spreadsheet application with hexagonal cells inspired by:

License:MIT License


Language:Python 100.0%