pl247 / ai-toolkit

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AI Toolkit: Automated Installation of Generative AI Toolkit on UCS X-Series

Generative AI is an exciting and emerging space. Running large language models (LLMs) in the cloud can be both costly and expose proprietary data in unexpected ways. These issues can be avoided by deploying your AI workload in a private data centre on modern compute infrastructure. The purpose of this generative AI toolkit is to automate the full installation of some of the most popular open source software tools on Cisco UCS X-Series. The toolkit makes extensive use of the UCS X-fabric, PCIe node and GPU acceleration.

UCS X-Series

Table of Contents

  1. Overview
  2. Installing the AI Toolkit
  3. Running the TextGen Server Software
  4. Performing Inference on Private Documents
  5. Performance Tuning


This solution guide will assist you with the full installation of:

  1. Ubuntu linux operating system including various common utilities
  2. GCC compiler required for development using the NVIDIA parallel computing and programming environment (CUDA)
  3. NVIDIA GPU drivers as well as CUDA
  4. Miniconda package, dependency and environment manager for programming languages (IE: python and C++). Miniconda is a minimal distribution of Anaconda that includes only conda, python, pip and some other useful packages. Very useful for data science as it includes a lot of dependencies in the package.
  5. AI Monitor for monitoring CPU, memory, GPU and VRAM utilization on your system
  6. WebUI simple user interface for testing and fine-tuning large language models
  7. OpenAI compatible API
  8. Various LLMs such as Meta Llama and Microsoft Phi models. Utility to download additional models from Hugging Face is included. Many Llama 3 based models have been tested and work.
  9. Software to perform inferencing on locally hosted private documents using LangChain, Chroma on the most popular HuggingFace embedding models and LLMs AI Stack

Installing the AI Toolkit


  1. Cisco UCS X-series w/ X440p PCIe node and NVIDIA L4, L40, L40S, H100 or A100 GPU
  2. Cisco Intersight account

1. Create Server Profile

In Intersight, derive and deploy a server-profile from a bare-metal linux template to a UCS X-Series X210c compute node. Basically all that is required is:

  1. Boot from M.2 RAID
  2. Single ethernet NIC with fabric failover (for redundancy)

2. Install OS on Server

From Intersight, select server and perform automated OS install. Use the custom OS install script from this repo called ucsx-ai-toolkit.cfg for UCS X-series and ucsc-ai-toolkit.cfg for UCS C-series. You will want to modify the cloud-init settings for: password, address, gateway4 and nameservers.

The following combination has been tested:

  1. OS Image - ubuntu-22.04.2-live-server-amd64.iso as version Ubuntu Server 22.04 LTS
  2. SCU Image - ucs-scu-6.3.2b.iso.iso as version 6.3.2b
  3. OS Configuration File - ucsx-ai-toolkit.cfg for X-Series and ucsc-ai-toolkit.cfg for C-Series as version Ubuntu Server 22.04 LTS

Other combinations may work, but please try these before asking for assistance.

3. Install Additional Software

SSH into the server for the first time as username ubuntu and run the following commands (one-time):

chmod a+x

YOU WILL NEED TO REBOOT to activate your NVIDIA GPU drivers.

sudo reboot

Running the TextGen Server Software

Now that the system is fully installed, you can run the server software using either CPU or GPU (if installed).

Activate the textgen environment in conda, move to the correct directory and start the text generation server:

conda activate textgen
cd textgen

To access the application, open a web browser to your server IP address on port 7860.

Monitor the system using the ai-monitor tool that was installed as part of the toolkit:


Downloading Additional Models for TextGen

Check out the Hugging Face leader board: and then download any of the models you would like to try using the following commands:

cd text-generation-webui
python3 TheBloke/Wizard-Vicuna-13B-Uncensored-HF

Substitute <TheBloke/Wizard-Vicuna-13B-Uncensored-HF> for any Hugging Face model you would like.

Performing Inference on Private Documents

This is often called Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG). To perform inferencing on private localized data on your system, perform the following tasks:

  1. Move to the docs directory
  2. Place any documents (type pdf, doc, docx, txt, xls, xlsx, csv, md or py) you would like to query in the SOURCE_DOCUMENTS directory
  3. Ingest the documents using learn_docs
  4. Run the doc inferencing using rag
cd docs
conda activate
# Delete any previous database entries
# Ingest documents from the SOURCE_DOCUMENTS folder
# Run retrieval augmented generation

To place documents in the SOURCE_DOCUMENTS folder try using wget:





Feel free to experiment with other models by updating the file.


If wget fails with the error message unsafe legacy renegotiation disabled try the following workaround:

sudo vi /usr/lib/ssl/openssl.cnf

#Add the following option to openssl.cnf under the [system_default_sect] section
Options = UnsafeLegacyRenegotiation

If you get the error message

`do_sample` is set to `False`. However, `temperature` is set to `0.2` -- this flag is only used in sample-based generation modes. You should set `do_sample=True` or unset `temperature`. 

Then edit the file: /home/ubuntu/.conda/envs/docs/lib/python3.10/site-packages/transformers/generation/

Search for "detect sampling-only parameterization when not in sampling mode" and comment the whole if section out.

If you did not modify the timezone in the ucsx-ai-toolkit.cfg file, you can set the timezone on your system correctly post install:

# show current timezone with offset
date +"%Z %z"

# show timezone options for America
timedatectl list-timezones | grep America

# Set timezone
sudo timedatectl set-timezone America/Winnipeg

Performance Tuning

One of the nice things about Cisco UCS and Intersight is the ability to create specific policies for your desired configurations. For generative AI workloads you may wish to create a BIOS policy for your servers with changes from the defaults as per the following document:

Performance Tuning Guide

For faster boot times, create a BIOS profile with “Adaptive Memory Training” enabled. This setting is enabled under Server Management section.



Language:Shell 100.0%