p.katekomol's repositories


A data analysis case study capstone from Google Data Analytics Professional Certificate course on Coursera



This repository contains Python codes for the classic Hang Man game. The user will be assigned a random word to guess, one character at a time. If the user gets everything right, the program says "Well Done!", but if the user can't get the word right in 6 tries, the program says "Game Over!"



Finding the median value of a numeric column with MySQL is not as simple as type in a function. We need a step-by-step approach to solve this problem.



This is a classic "Rock, Paper, Scissors" game with some ASCII aesthetics. After the welcome message, the game asks you to choose between the three choices. Then it let the computer choose its choice. The yours and the computer's choices are compared, a message appears to let you know the result, then the game asks if you want to play it again. Once you choose to quit the game, a summary message appear with the number of games you have played and the results of wins and looses.



The Digital Caesar Cipher with Python



This is a simple Python game for finding a heart emoji. There is a 3 x 3 matrix in which a heart emoji resides. The location of the heart is randomized and is not revealed. The player must guess the location of the heart inside this matrix by typing in coordinates of row and column. For example, if the player suspects that the heart is located in the second row and second column, the player must type in "22" (for 2nd row and 2nd column, respectively).



This project aims to find best days in any given year to benefit from gold investment provided that the investor buys the gold on the first day of the year

Language:Jupyter NotebookStargazers:1Issues:0Issues:0


This is the classic leap year finder program with python. This problem is labelled as "hard" on many practice sites, but actually the programming is not hard at all. What's hard is the description of the leap year and how to translate it into the programming language.



This simple Python program calculates a love score based on your and your crush's full names in English. There is no logic or reason in the calculation behind the love score. The calculation could have been anything different from what's shown in this code.



This is a console-based version of a password generator written with Python. The program generates a password based on numbers of letters, numbers, and symbols specified by the user. This is a simple Python program to demonstrate the use of randomization, list, and string concatenation. It also demonstrates the use of random.shuffle() method to shuffle items in lists.



This project demonstrates the use of mysql.connect package with Python and Plotly to create an SQL database, tables, and visualize data from those tables.

Language:Jupyter NotebookStargazers:1Issues:0Issues:0


This is a simple classic "Head or Tail" guessing game with Python. The user guess the result of or coin toss by typing "Head" or "Tail" as an input. The computer then shows the result. The user's input is then compared against the result to check if the player wins or loses. This game also gives summary about how many games the player has played, and how many wins and losses throughout those games.



This is a children's game but it is said to be one of the most asked problem in interviews for programmers. The rule of the game is simple: supposed that there are numbers from 1 to 100, if a number is divisible by 3, it's "Fizz", if it's divisible by 5 then it's "Buzz", if it's divisible by both 3 and 5 then it's "FizzBuzz", otherwise it's itself. The code in this repository should probably be the most efficient way to demonstrate this game. It works with the for loop syntax and if-else logic.


This is a small project to test and visualize the result of the weighted probability capability of Python's numpy.random.choice()

Language:Jupyter NotebookStargazers:0Issues:0Issues:0


This repository contains 2 Python programs. The first program calculates the user's Body Mass Index (BMI) based on the user's weight (in kilogram) and height (in meter). To learn more about BMI and its calculations, follow this link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Body_mass_index.



This repository contains an algorithm to generate a simple Christmas Tree ASCII art with some customization flexibilities

Language:Jupyter NotebookStargazers:0Issues:0Issues:0


This is a data visualization project with Python to create a race bar chart from actual COVID-19 case data.

Language:Jupyter NotebookStargazers:0Issues:0Issues:0


This repository contains the SQL queries and the dataset to accompany an article on Medium.com titled "The Data Adventure 01: “How Long will your Business Start to Profit?” — An SQL Adventure"



This is a simple set of Python codes that will give the user the number of days in a month the user gives to the program. For this program to work, the user will provide the year and the month, and the program will return the number of days in that month. The program can also determine if the given year is a leap year and provide a correct number of date for February.



This repository contains simple sets of codes that draw triangles in the form of ASCII art using MySQL. I cam across these codes on HackerRank and I thought it was a very strange concept to SQL to draw triangles with ASCII art. But then it became a challenging tasks and I learned to use information_schema.tables, a dummy table that exists in every MySQL session.



This is a very simple calculator program with Python. It's a "Hello World" of a calculator. It demonstrates the use of functions that takes inputs and returns values.

Language:Jupyter NotebookStargazers:0Issues:0Issues:0


A data visualization project with R and plotly for minimum wages in US states from 1968 - 2017



This is a simple Blackjack card game with Python. It allows only 2 players with the computer as the dealer. The rules are simple:

Language:Jupyter NotebookStargazers:0Issues:0Issues:0


This repository contains a simple set of code for a simple version of the HigherLower game.



This repository contains a set of simple Python code for a simple number guessing game. The player guesses a number between 1 - 100 and the game tells the player if the number is too high or too low, until the player gets the number right. There are two levels for the game: easy and hard for 10 and 5 guesses, respectively.



This project demonstrates Python's modularity capability. This repository hosts a Python code for a simple virtual coffee machine. It is a coin-operated machine that can dispense espresso, latte, and cappuccino at different prices.



This simple program 'secretly' takes names and bidding values from each bidder and announce the auction winner after the user declare that there's no more next bidder. This program makes use of dictionary, for-loop, and simple comparison algorithm to get the information about the highest bidder. In the end, the name and the bidding value of the highest bidder will be displayed.



This simple Python program calculates the approx. time you still have left on this earth based on the life expectancy of your country and your current age. It tells you how many years (converted to months and days) you still have left based on the fact that there are 12 months, or (usually) 365 days in a year.



This is a simple tip calculator program with Python. It calculates how much each person should pay for a bill restaurant based on the following:
