Organization data from Github
Artisanal, hand crafted, barrel aged, Go packages
Simple error handling primitives
Simple profiling for Go
SFTP support for the go.crypto/ssh package
Package browser provides helpers to open files, readers, and urls in a browser window.
An efficient JSON decoder
Package term manages POSIX terminals.
Extended attribute support for Go (linux + darwin + freebsd)
A simple assertion library that you probably shouldn't use.
Control TUN/TAP virtual network interfaces.
Ancillary Mathematical functions
HTTP for Gophers
Create semantic version tags for your Go packages, search and discover new packages
Copying and moving files, how hard could it possible be ?
Package poller provides level triggered readiness notification and reliable closing of file descriptors.
singlefile implements a host wide locking mechanism.
... or how I learnt to not fear anonymous functions and write the one true exec.Run.
Group provides a way to manage the lifecycle of a group of goroutines.
Filesystem utilities and helpers