pkanal / knope-compliments

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Knope Compliments

A slackbot that sends love to folks in your Slack workspace Leslie Knope style.


Setup Slack Credentials

  • Create a Slack workspace instance and add a bot user
  • Create a file in the root directory called secrets.json
    "slackToken": "<YOUR BOT TOKEN>"

Install Dependencies

$ npm i

Run in Dev Mode You will need to install ngrok because slack requires a public URL to post to slash commands.

$ npm run dev

Open a new terminal window and run

$ ngrok http 3000

Copy the ngrok public URL and paste it into the slash command post URL for your bot. You will have to do this everytime you run ngrok.


Configure your AWS credentials through the CLI or add an additional profile called knope-compliments to ~/.aws/credentials

$ npm run deploy


I have some more features I'd love to add to this bot, so if you'd like to contribute please let me know! Some ideas I had:

  • Getting the Bot to DM users
  • Create a larger set of samples for the compliments so we can eventually use ML to generate new compliments
  • Having an emoji reaction trigger the bot



Language:JavaScript 100.0%