pjlintw / Meta-BERT

Meta-BERT: Learning to Learn fast For Low-Resource Text Classification

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Meta-BERT: Learning to Learn fast For Low-Resource Text Classification

Installation | Data | Meta-BERT

We implement Meta-BERT that trains BERT for fast adapting to new tasks using limited examples. The distinctive feature of Meta-BERT is to meta-train the BERT model using First-Order-MAML, FOMAML, which enables the model to learn new tasks quickly.

The proposed algorithm is a model-agnostic, in the sense that it can be directly applied to any BERT architecture. We investigate the capacity to adapt Meta-BERT and BERT models to the unseen tasks in which only a limited set of task-specific data are available. We demonstrate that our Meta-BERT outperforms BERT in low-resource fine-tuning by +2.2% accuracy improvement. For zero-shot classification, Meta-BERT achieves +5.7% improvement compared to BERT model.

  • New October 13th, 2021: Meta-learning with BERT

Files Structure

We implement our Meta-BERT, including the procedures for meta-training and fine-tuning. We explains the purpose of these files.

The figure below uses a results/meta.nt10-.nd-5/ as the output directory. When specifying path to the flag --output_dir for saving results, the hyperparameters, checkpoints and log files will be saved in the folder. For instance, the example shows these reuslt files saved in the results/meta.nt10-.nd-5/ folder.

Note that #S refers to a number of the step in script and #E for the number of epoch.

|-- models
|   └── maml.py                           # First-Order MAML
|-- results
|   └── meta.nt-10.nd-5
|       |-- example.log                   # Log file 
|       |-- hyparams.txt                  # Hyperparameters
|       └── ckpt
|           └── meta.epoch-#E.step-#S.pt  # Checkpoint for the Meta-BERT saved at the #S-th step of #E-th epoch
|-- dataset.json                          # Subset of Amazon Custom Reviews
|-- task.py                               # Meta tasks builder script
|-- build_dataset.py                      # Fine-tuning data builder script
|-- run_meta_training                     # Meta-training script
└── run_finetuning                        # Fine-tining script


Python version

  • Python >= 3.8


Create an environment from file and activate the environment.

conda env create -f environment.yml
conda activate meta-bert

If conda fails to create an environment from environment.yml. This may be caused by the platform-specific build constraints in the file. Try to create one by installing the important packages manually. The environment.yml was built in Linux.

Note: Running conda env export > environment.yml will include all the dependencies conda automatically installed for you. Some dependencies may not work in different platforms. We suggest you to use the --from-history flag to export the packages to the environment setting file. Make sure conda only exports the packages that you've explicitly asked for.

conda env export > environment.yaml --from-history


We use a subset of Amazon Customer Reviews dataset which contains 21,855 examples for sentiment analysis. Here, we provide the deitialed set-ups for building the datasets for meta-learning and fine-tuning.

Dataset Preprocessing

The subset of Amazon Customer Reviews dataset contains 21,855 reviews from 22 product types. We refer the product type as the domain representing the training task in the meta-learning.

We first select 300 examples from 3 domains: Automotive, Computer & Video Games and Office Produces as the test set. Each has only 100 data samples. The test split is suitable to serve as the unseen tasks for meta-learning and as the evaluation of the domain adaptation that the model learns to effectively transfer prior knowledge into new domain. We select D = {1, 3, 5, 19} domain(s) for building the low-resource and high-resource training splits. These four training splits contain 698, 2512, 4485, 22555 data examples from 3, 5 and 19 domains respectively.

We refer the examples collected from 1 domain as low-resource training set and the examples from 3, 5 and 19 domains as high-resource splits. For detailed description, please read the paper.

Note that the training examples are selected from different domains of the test set. We evaluate the Meta-BERT on the unseen test set for better understanding its generalization performance. The subset of dataset can be found in dataset.json.


Meta-BERT's model architecture is identical to BERT with a classifier layer where it is meta-trained for fast adpation. The complete learning strategy consists of two stages: mete-training and fine-tuning. To reproduce our experiements, please refer to the paper.


In the meta-training stage, the pre-trained BERT’s parameters is trained using FOMAML and to be able to learn the unseen domain quickly. It enables the model to learn a set of initial parameters that adapts to new tasks quickly with limited examples.

To meta-train BERT with FOMAML, execute run_meta_training.py with the flag --output_dir to specify the repository for saving hyparams.txt, ckeckpoints and log file.

python run_meta_training.py \
 --output_dir results/meta-train-tmp

The program will use the flasgs: num_train_task=50, num_test_task=3, num_domain=100, num_support=80, num_query=20 and save all the results under the results/meta-train-tmp folder.

We provide a brief description of meta-learning algorithm which is involved with the flags above: We sample num_train_task from distributions over training tasks for explicitly optmizing the model's initial parameters. The flag num_domain decides how many domains are chosen to construct the distribution. When num_domain exceeds the number of the available domains, we choose all the domains. Follow the same procedure, num_test_task determines the number of testing tasks. Each task contains num_support * num_query examples which are used for the gradient computation and evalution respectively.

Note that the checkpoints of Meta-BERT will under the results/meta-train-tmp/ckpt. You need to provide Meta-BERT's checkpoint to fine-tune it using the script below.

Fine-Tuning Meta-BERT / BERT

In the fine-tuning stage, the model is initialized with the parameters learnt by meta-training or the parameters from standard BERT. We conduct the experiemets for both Meta-BERT and vanilla BERT which is without meta-training in low-resource and high-resource settings.

To fune-tune the model, use the flag --bert_model to choose which BERT you fine-tune. The default value of --bert_model uses bert-base-uncase. You can fine-tune Meta-BERT by specifying the path of the ckeckpoint. For example:

python run_finetuning.py \
 --bert_model  results/meta-train-tmp/ckpt/meta.epoch-1.step-1.pt \
 --output_dir results/fine-tuning-tmp \
 --epochs 5

The script will initialize the model from the checkpoint meta.epoch-1.step-1.pt and run 5 epochs. The fine-tuning results will be saved in results/fine-tuning-tmp folder.

Zero-Shot Classification

To perform zero-shot classification, simply run run_fine-tuning.py with the flag zero_shot. Without passing checkpoint to bert_model flag, the model is initialized from bert-base-uncased.

python run_finetuning.py \
  --output_dir results/zero-shot-tmp \
  --zero_shot True

After running the program, hyparams.txt, checkpoints and log file will be saved in results/zero-shot-tmp folder.

Contact Information

For help or issues using our code, please submit a GitHub issue.


Meta-BERT: Learning to Learn fast For Low-Resource Text Classification


Language:Python 87.9%Language:Shell 12.1%