pjlewisuk / aks-workshop

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Containerization with Kubernetes Workshop

Dev Tools

Docker Desktop

1. Ensure your team has license and install Docker Desktop in your development environment

Make Sure Kubernetes is enabled,


If you're using WSL2, don't forget to enable it toset limits as shown below: (also you need to integrate docker with your wsl2 distro (see Resources option)

Local Kubernetes

1. Getting Started with Docker Desktop Kubernetes

  • Test connection to your cluster from terminal

    • kubectl cluster-info
    • kubectl get nodes

2. Setup your default namespace.

  • Create your first namespace

    only use lower-case letters and dashes

    # for example, john or jane
    kubectl create namespace <your-firstname> 
    # use your own namespace as a default 
    kubectl config set-context --current --namespace=<your-namespace-name>

    # test it. below should return `No resources found in <your-namespace>`
    kubectl get pods    

3. Setup your workspace / project directory for docker and k8s labs

  • Create a directory in your local environment to do the labs. (for e.g: cw_labs)

  • For e.g, below would create cw_labs directory in your user_home

    # run this from powershell, bash, gitbash, etc. depending on your local setup
    # feel free to change the location and name as you prefer
    mkdir ~/cw_labs
  • Create Docker and Kubernetes directories with in your project_directory

  • Your setup should looks somethign like below.

    ├── cw_labs
        ├── docker              
        └── kubernetes

Keep this repo link open in a separate tab or window: https://github.com/suren-m/cw/tree/master/labs and use it as a source of truth for upto date content.


Take a look at Labs directory to get started with the labs for 01_Docker and then move on to 02_kubernetes.


  • At least do until 04_docker_registry.md lab before moving on to kubernetes.
  • In Kubernetes, do at least till 04_deployments.md before moving on to creating your own cluster.

AKS (for those with MSDN subscription or azure dev/sandbox environment)

  • If you have MSDN subscription and like to create and connect to AKS, see 04_aks_cluster in labs directory.

If you're new to K8s, it is recommended to first familiarize yourself on local cluster a bit by doing a few of the labs from 01_docker and 02_kubernetes before moving to AKS. (perhaps on day/week 2)

  • By all means, feel free to create it anytime if you don't have local kubernetes available.



Language:HCL 86.6%Language:Python 8.6%Language:Makefile 3.1%Language:Dockerfile 1.7%