piyushnanwani / express-session-authentication-starter

A basic authentication scheme with Express, MongoDB, and Passport Local Strategy

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

How to use this Repo

This repo has three branches:

  • master
  • final
  • final-all-in-one

The master branch has a starter template for creating what is in the final branch. The final-all-in-one is a single app-all.js file that functions completely alone, while the final branch is a refactored version of that.

How to run the app

When you go to each branch, the README.md will show you how to start the app.

The master branch is incomplete and you can follow the written or video tutorials to complete:


  1. Express.js, or simply Express, is a free, open-source, lightweight, and fast backend web application framework for Node.js
  2. Features:
    • js can be used to design single-page, multi-page, and hybrid web applications and APIs.
      • You can render static html files stored on your server, to render dynamic content using ejs. Can also add libraries to these files ( like react, angular, bootstrap, bootswatch, custom fonts etc )
    • It allows to set up middleware to respond to HTTP/RESTful Requests.
      • Middleware as the name tells is a function that you want to call in the middle of something.
      • eg: beforing sending a resource we would like to check if user is authenticated or is authorised. We can make a function that will be called first then only the next thing is done. Such a function is called a middleware
    • It defines a routing table to perform different HTTP operations (method and URL).
    • It allows to dynamically rendering HTML Pages based on passing arguments to templates.
      • express handlebars can be used for the same
    • It provides high performance because of its ultra-fast I/O. It prepares a thin layer; therefore, the performance is adequate.
    • Its MVC-like structure makes it organize the web application into MVC architecture.
    • It provides good database support. It supports RDBMS as well as NoSQL databases.
    • It is asynchronous and single-threaded. Its robust API makes routing easy.

  1. Scaffolding in Express.js is a technique used for creating the skeleton structure of an application. It facilitates users to easily create their public directories, routes, views, etc., or a web application skeleton. Generally, users manually create their public directory, add middleware, create separate route files, etc. Using a scaffolding tool, they can set up all these things to directly get started with building their application.

    • There are two ways to install Scaffolding and use it in your application.
      • Express application generator
        • Summary:
          npm install express-generator -g
          express myApp
          The above command creates a project named "myApp" along with the folowwing files/folders : bin, public, routes, views, app.js, package.json
      • Yeoman
  2. Arguments available to an express JS route handler function : req, res, next (optional)

  3. Error handling in express.js

    • Create a middleware for error handling.
    • add it to the express - app object at the end ( making it a global middleware )
  4. Code to start serving static files in express.js

  app.use('/static', express.static(path.join(__dirname, 'public')))  
  1. Middleware is a function invoked by the Express routing layer before the final request handler. Middleware functions are used to perform the following tasks:

    • It is used to execute any code.
    • It is also used to make changes to the request and the response objects.
    • It is responsible for ending the request-response cycle.
    • It can call the next middleware function in the stack.
  2. Types of middleware

  • Application-level Middleware : Used to bind to the app object using app.use() method. It applies to all the routes.
  //This middleware will execute for each route.  
  app.use(function (req, res, next) {  
    console.log('Current Time:', Date.now())  
  • Router-level Middleware : This is used to bind to a specific instance of express.Router().
  • Error-handling Middleware
  • Built-in Middleware : static, json, urlencoded
  • Third-party Middleware:
    • Body-parser
    • Cookie-parser
    • Mongoose
    • Sequelize
    • Cors
    • Express-validator
  1. HTTP protocols are stateless and therefore we use cookies to store infor related to auth like tokens. So that user does not have to authenticate ( by enterring credentials) on each page refresh/reload.
  • Set cookie header can be used to add key value pairs to cookie object
  1. Session vs cookie
  • Difference being the places at which their are stored.
  • Cookie has its data stored in the browser and that browser is going to attach that cookie key value pair to every HTTP request that it does.
  • A session on the other side will be stored on the server side. So here server side means the express js application. And so express session is going to store a little big bigger types of data. In a cookie you can't put a whole lot of data and it gets very tedious if we are constantly adding more and more data to the cookite that we're attaching to each request. So, it would make sense to put that in a server side session where we can store much larger amounts of data.
  1. express-session is a middleware. It can be used to create a sessions object that stores our application's sessions. And we can use connect-mongo package to save that to our database.
  • We can access the session object using request.session and can add any data or properties to it. eg: storing viewCount of that session.
  1. Password validation:
  2. Step 1: Creation ~~~~ var passwordHash = hashFunction ( plainTextPassword, salt ); ~~~
  3. Verification
var passwordHaash = hashFunction ( plainTextPassword, salt );

var verification = passwordHash === databaseHash
  • plainTextPassword: user provides password when they register
  • salt : a cryptographically gernerated pseudorandom number
  • plaintTextPassword: provided by the user when they login
  • salt : retrieved from the user's record in the database


A basic authentication scheme with Express, MongoDB, and Passport Local Strategy


Language:JavaScript 100.0%