A small and simple program to crawl the daily menu data from https://www.stwhh.de/speiseplan.
The goal is to provide STWHH food data over time and an API/website to retrieve current and past data over longer periods of time. Comparing prices over time is especially one topic of high interest.
Simply just go to the Releases section and download your desired version. Atm, only Linux builds are available.
To use the Docker image, run:
docker run -it -v <local-data-folder>:/opt/app/data themysteriousvincent/stwhh-mensa:latest crawler --db-path /opt/app/data/db.sqlite
To build the program, simply install Go 1.22.5 and run the following:
go mod tidy
go build -o stwhh-mensa ./main.go
Then, you can run the built binary like so:
The program provides a CLI interface, which should help you how to use the program.
Simply type
stwhh-mensa -h
and the CLI-Help will be shown.
- Add basic crawler
- Add automatic crawler (periodically interval crawling)
- Update database structure (e.g. normalizing the DB schema)
- Add price same-day/same-week price changes
- Add a GraphQL API
- Add a simple Frontend interface