pixfid / go-ksc

go-ksc is a Go client library for accessing the KSC (Kaspersky) Open API.

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


go-ksc is a Go client library for accessing the KSC (Kaspersky Security Center) Open API.


Go Report Card License


package main

import (
    "github.com/pixfid/go-ksc/v1/kaspersky"	// with go modules enabled (GO111MODULE=on or outside GOPATH)
    "github.com/pixfid/go-ksc/kaspersky" // with go modules disabled

Construct a new KSC client, then use the various services on the client to access different parts of the KSC (Kaspersky Security Center) Open API. For example:

package main

import (

func main() {
        ctx := context.Background()
    	cfg := kaspersky.Config {

    	    //user login name
    		UserName: "login",

    		Password: "password",

            //VServerName: "virtual_server_name", for login on virtual server.
    		Server: fmt.Sprintf(`https://%s:%s`, "ip", "port"),

    		//true using XKscSession tokens (false on default, session token expired time 3 minutes)
    		XKscSession: false,
            //InsecureSkipVerify controls whether a client verifies the server's certificate chain and host name.
            InsecureSkipVerify: true,

        //Construct a new KSC client
    	client := kaspersky.New(cfg)

    	//Auth on KSC server 
    	client.Login(ctx, kaspersky.BasicAuth, "")

        //Get List of Windows domain in the network.
        raw,_ := client.HostGroup.GetDomains(context.Background())


Find online hosts:
func Online(ctx context.Context, client *kaspersky.Client) *FullHostsInfo {
	hField := config.Config.HParams
	chunks := &FullHostsInfo{}
	hostsParam := kaspersky.HGParams{
		WstrFilter: `
		VecFieldsToReturn: hField,
		PParams: kaspersky.PParams{
			KlsrvhSlaveRecDepth:    0,
			KlgrpFindFromCurVsOnly: true,
		LMaxLifeTime: 100,

	accessor, _, _ := client.HostGroup.FindHosts(ctx, hostsParam)
	count, _, _ := client.ChunkAccessor.GetItemsCount(ctx, accessor.StrAccessor)
	_, _ = client.ChunkAccessor.GetItemsChunk(ctx, kaspersky.ItemsChunkParams{
		StrAccessor: accessor.StrAccessor,
		NStart:      0,
		NCount:      count.Int,
	}, chunks)

	client.ChunkAccessor.Release(ctx, accessor.StrAccessor)
	return chunks
Get installed products on host by HostId:
products, err := client.HostGroup.GetHostProducts(ctx, "8910f900-3807-4b97-8a97-d49e73ec5ab1")
  "PxgRetVal" : {
    "1103" : {
      "type" : "params",
      "value" : {
        "" : {
          "type" : "params",
          "value" : {
            "BaseRecords" : 0,
            "LastUpdateTime" : {
              "type" : "datetime",
              "value" : "2019-10-26T23:17:09Z"
    "kesl" : {
      "type" : "params",
      "value" : {
        "" : {
          "type" : "params",
          "value" : {
            "BaseDate" : {
              "type" : "datetime",
              "value" : "2020-05-07T23:18:00Z"
            "BaseInstallDate" : {
              "type" : "datetime",
              "value" : "2020-05-08T08:59:53Z"
            "BaseRecords" : 14791566
Get Lists tasks on Host:
tastList, raw, err := client.Tasks.GetAllTasksOfHost(ctx, "", "c2b22f83-307c-45aa-8533-5ffffbcc6bf1")
  "PxgRetVal" : [
Find srvview data by filter string. A removable device's collection.
	srvVParams := &kaspersky.SrvViewParams{
		WstrViewName:      "HWInvStorageSrvViewName", //Hardware inventory storage view
		WstrFilter:        `(&(Type = 4))`, //Type = 4 (Removable devices)
		VecFieldsToReturn: []string{"Id", "Name", "SerialNumber"}, //Return Fields
		VecFieldsToOrder: []kaspersky.FieldsToOrder{ // Sort by Id field (Ascending)
				Type: "params",
				OrderValue: kaspersky.OrderValue{
					Name: "Id",
					Asc:  true,
		PParams: &kaspersky.ESrvViewParams{
			TopN: 100, //First 100 records
		LifetimeSEC: 1300, //set lifetime in seconds

	iterator, _, _ := client.SrvView.ResetIterator(ctx, srvVParams)
	c, _, _ := client.SrvView.GetRecordCount(ctx, iterator.WstrIteratorID)

	recordRange := &kaspersky.RecordRangeParams{
		WstrIteratorID: iterator.WstrIteratorID, //iterator string
		NStart:         0, //start number
		NEnd:           c.Int, //count

	raw, _ := client.SrvView.GetRecordRange(ctx, recordRange) //[]byte json data example below
	_, _ = client.SrvView.ReleaseIterator(ctx, *iterator.WstrIteratorID) //release iterator set on server
  "pRecords" : {
        "type" : "params",
        "value" : {
          "Id" : 38236,
          "Name" : "USB DISK 2.0 USB Device",
          "SerialNumber" : "USBSTOR\\DISK&VEN_&PROD_USB_DISK_2.0&REV_PMAP\\9000694205A94058&0"
        "type" : "params",
        "value" : {
          "Id" : 38237,
          "Name" : "Kingston DT Rubber 3.0 USB Device",
          "SerialNumber" : "USBSTOR\\DISK&VEN_KINGSTON&PROD_DT_RUBBER_3.0&REV_PMAP\\001A92053B6ABD7131341955&0"

Table of Classes:

Status Implement in go-ksc KSC Classes Description
AdfsSso.go AdfsSso Interface for working with ADFS SSO 
AdHosts.go AdHosts Scanned active directory OU structure 
AdmServerSettings.go AdmServerSettings AdmServerSettings interface 
AdSecManager.go AdSecManager Adaptive Security managing 
AKPatches.go AKPatches Interface to manage system of autoupdating by patch.exe patches 
AppCtrlApi.go AppCtrlApi Interface to get info about execution files 
AsyncActionStateChecker.go AsyncActionStateChecker Interface to monitor state of async action 
CertPoolCtrl.go CertPoolCtrl Interface to manage the pool of certificates used by the Kaspersky Security Center Server 
CertPoolCtrl2.go CertPoolCtrl2 2nd interface to manage the pool of certificates used by the Kaspersky Security Center Server 
CgwHelper.go CgwHelper CgwHelper (Connection Gateway) helper proxy class 
ChunkAccessor.go ChunkAccessor Working with host result-set 
CloudAccess.go CloudAccess Interface to check access of public clouds 
ConEvents.go ConEvents Interface to server events 
DatabaseInfo.go DatabaseInfo Database processing 
DataProtectionApi.go DataProtectionApi Allows to protect sensitive data in policies, tasks, and/or on specified host 
DpeKeyService.go DpeKeyService Interface for working with encrypted devices 
EventNotificationProperties.go EventNotificationProperties Notification properties 
EventNotificationsApi.go EventNotificationsApi Publish event 
EventProcessing.go EventProcessing Interface implements the functionality for viewing and deleting events 
EventProcessingFactory.go EventProcessingFactory Interface to create event processing iterators 
ExtAud.go ExtAud Interface for working with ExtAudit subsystem 
FileCategorizer2.go FileCategorizer2 Interface for working with FileCategorizer subsystem 
FilesAcceptor.go FilesAcceptor Upload files to server 
GatewayConnection.go GatewayConnection Interface for creating gateway connections
GroupSync.go GroupSync Access to group synchronization objects 
GroupSyncIterator.go GroupSyncIterator Access to the group synchronization forward iterator for the result-set 
GroupTaskControlApi.go GroupTaskControlApi Interface to perform some management actions over group tasks 
HostGroup.go HostGroup Hosts and management groups processing 
HostMoveRules.go HostMoveRules Modify and acquire move rules to hosts 
HostTagsApi.go HostTagsApi Interface allows to acquire and manage tags for hosts. It is additional interface for common ListTags
HostTagsRulesApi.go HostTagsRulesApi Interface allows to acquire and manage host automatic tagging rules 
HostTasks.go HostTasks Basic management operations with host tasks 
HstAccessControl.go HstAccessControl Security policy Allows to specify permissions for administrration groups and non-group objects 
HWInvStorage.go HWInvStorage Interface for working with Hardware storage subsystem 
InventoryApi.go InventoryApi Interface for working with Software Inventory subsystem 
InvLicenseProducts.go InvLicenseProducts Interface to manage License Management (third party) Functionality 
IWebSrvSettings.go IWebSrvSettings Web server settings proxy class 
IWebUsersSrv.go IWebUsersSrv Send an email to multiple recipients.
IWebUsersSrv2.go IWebUsersSrv2 Operating with emails from GUI
KeyService.go KeyService Interface for working with KeyService subsystem 
KeyService2.go KeyService2 Additional interface for working with KeyService subsystem 
KillChain.go KillChain KillChain info from host 
KLEVerControl.go KLEVerControl Controls the possibility to download and automatically create installation packages 
KsnInternal.go KsnInternal Interface for working with KsnProxy subsystem 
LicenseInfoSync.go LicenseInfoSync Operating with licenses
LicenseKeys.go LicenseKeys Operating with keys
LicensePolicy.go LicensePolicy License policy 
Limits.go Limits Interface for working with Limits subsystem 
ListTags.go ListTags Interface allows to acquire and manage tags to various KSC objects 
MigrationData.go MigrationData Migration of data between KSC On-Premise and KSCHosted 
Multitenancy.go Multitenancy Multitenancy product managing 
NagCgwHelper.go NagCgwHelper Nagent CGW (Connection Gateway) API 
NagGuiCalls.go NagGuiCalls Remote host caller 
NagHstCtl.go NagHstCtl Manage nagent on host 
NagNetworkListApi.go NagNetworkListApi Nagent OpenAPI to work with network lists 
NagRdu.go NagRdu Remote diagnostics on host 
NagRemoteScreen.go NagRemoteScreen Interface for remote screen session management 
NlaDefinedNetworks.go NlaDefinedNetworks Network location awareness (NLA) defined networks. Used as a scope for Update agents. Each NLA-defined network is defined by list of NLA locations 
OsVersion.go OsVersion Operating systems dictionary access 
PackagesApi.go PackagesApi Operating with packages 
PatchParameters.go PatchParameters Patch parameters processing 
PLCDevApi.go PLCDevApi Interface allows to acquire and manage PLC devices registry 
Policy.go Policy Policies processing 
PolicyProfiles.go PolicyProfiles Policy profiles processing 
QBTNetworkListApi.go QBTNetworkListApi Interface to working with Quarantine, Backup and TIF network lists 
QueriesStorage.go QueriesStorage QueriesStorage interface 
ReportManager.go ReportManager Reports managing 
RetrFiles.go RetrFiles Class provides means to get retranslated files info 
ScanDiapasons.go ScanDiapasons Network subnets processing 
SecurityPolicy.go SecurityPolicy Allows to manage users and permissions.
SecurityPolicy3.go SecurityPolicy3 Allows to manage security groups of internal users. Use srvview SplUserGroupSrvViewName to get information about relationship between users and groups 
ServerHierarchy.go ServerHierarchy Server hierarchy management interface 
ServerTransportSettings.go ServerTransportSettings Server transport settings proxy class 
Session.go Session Session management interface 
SmsQueue.go SmsQueue Manage SMS message queue 
SmsSenders.go SmsSenders Configure mobile devices as SMS senders 
SrvCloud.go SrvCloud Interface to acquire info about public clouds 
SrvSsRevision.go SrvSsRevision Access to virtual server settings storage revisions 
SrvView.go SrvView Interface to get plain-queries from SC-server 
SsContents.go SsContents Access to settings storage 
SubnetMasks.go SubnetMasks Subnets provider 
Tasks.go Tasks Group tasks 
TrafficManager.go TrafficManager Traffic manager interface 
UaControl.go UaControl Update agents and Connection gateways management 
Updates.go Updates Updates processing 
UpdComps.go UpdComps Class provides means to manage updatable components (bases) 
UserDevicesApi.go UserDevicesApi Interface to unified mobile device management 
VapmControlApi.go VapmControlApi VAPM 
VServers.go VServers Virtual servers processing 
VServers2.go VServers2 Virtual servers processing 
WolSender.go WolSender Wake-On-LAN signal sender


  • Implement all services
  • Implements all Methods
  • Write Tests
  • Examples
  • Write Documentation


Using the context package, one can easily pass cancellation signals and deadlines to various services of the client for handling a request. In case there is no context available, then context.Background() can be used as a starting point.


This library is distributed under the MIT LICENSE found in the LICENSE file.


go-ksc is a Go client library for accessing the KSC (Kaspersky) Open API.

License:MIT License


Language:Go 100.0%