pistomat / nft-check

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Use case 2: Check whether the sender holds an NFT

We check that a sender of a message (msg.sender) is an owner of a specific NFT.

Smart contract logic

  • We send NFT smart contract (ERC721) address and NFT ID as parameters to our smart contract method
  • We check that the sender of the message (msg.sender) is the owner of the NFT in the provided ERC721 NFT smart contract


Implemented as a modifier onlyOwnerOfNFT in contract OnlyOwnerOfNFT


It takes an address of ERC721 and token ID as input and checks that the msg.sender is it's owner, reverts otherwise. It is possible to throw a custom error with this code:

if (_nft.ownerOf(_tokenId) != msg.sender) revert CustomError();


npm install

Run tests

npm run build npm run test



Language:TypeScript 99.0%Language:Solidity 1.0%