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CRUD API for Managing Persons by Name

This README provides an overview of a CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) API for managing persons by their name. This API allows you to perform the following operations:

  • Create a new person
  • Get a person by their name
  • Update a person by their name
  • Delete a person by their name

Create a New Person

https://hngtask-2.onrender.com/api/person: POST /person

Request Body: JSON object containing person details, e.g., name and email attributes.

Response: Returns the created person with a status code of 201 (Created).

Get a Person by Name

https://hngtask-2.onrender.com/api/persons/emezue chinonso: GET /person/:name

Request Parameters: name - The name of the person you want to retrieve.

Response: Returns the person with the specified name or a 404 (Not Found) if the person is not found.

Update a Person by Name

https://hngtask-2.onrender.com/api/persons/emezuechinonso: PUT /person/:name

Request Parameters: name - "Emezue Ayomide".

Request Body:: { "name": "emezue ayo", "email": "eechinons9@gmail.com" }.

Response: Returns the updated person with a status code of 200 (OK) or a 404 (Not Found) if the person is not found : { "_id": "6500313300efd818cb9a0df5", "name": "emezue ayo", "email": "eechinons9@gmail.com" }.

Delete a Person by Name

https://hngtask-2.onrender.com/api/person/emezueayo: DELETE /person/:name

Request Parameters: name - The name of the person you want to delete.

Response: Returns a success message with a status code of 200 (OK): user deleted successfully. if the person is deleted successfully or a 404 (Not Found) if the person is not found

Here are some examples of how to use the API endpoints:

Create a New Person

http POST /person Content-Type: application/json

{ "name": "Harry Whitewell", "email": "hhwhitewell@gmail.com", }

GET /person/Harry Whitewell

PUT /person/ Harry Whitewell Content-Type: application/json

{ "name": "Phillip Whitewell", "email": "phillipwhitewell@gmail.com", }

DELETE /person/Updated Name

must return status 200 after deleting updated user name.

// UML DIAGRAM image please check screenshot


Create a New Person

To test creating a new person, you can use the following Postman script:

// To create a new person pm.sendRequest({ url: pm.environment.get('base_url') + '/person', method: 'POST', header: 'Content-Type: application/json', body: { mode: 'raw', raw: JSON.stringify({ "name": "Emezue Ayomide", "email": "emezue@gmail.com" }) } }, function (response) { pm.test('Status code is 201', function () { pm.response.to.have.status(201); }); });

Fetch a Person by Name

To test fetching a person by name, you can use the following Postman script:

// Fetch a person by name pm.sendRequest({ url: pm.environment.get('base_url') + '/person/Emezue Ayomide', method: 'GET', }, function (response) { pm.test('Status code is 200', function () { pm.response.to.have.status(200); });

pm.test('Response body contains person data', function () {
    const responseBody = pm.response.json();


update existing user

To test updating a user by name, you can use the following Postman script:

// Update a user by name
    url: pm.environment.get('base_url') + '/user/Emezue Chinonso',
    method: 'PUT',
    header: 'Content-Type: application/json',
    body: {
        mode: 'raw',
        raw: JSON.stringify({
            "name": "Updated Name",
            "email": "updated email" // Update with the desired values.
}, function (response) {
    pm.test('Status code is 200', function () {

    pm.test('Response body contains updated user data', function () {
        const responseBody = pm.response.json();
        pm.expect(responseBody).to.have.property('name', 'Emezue Chionso'); 
        pm.expect(responseBody).to.have.property('email', "eechinonso@gmail.com"); 

### Delete a User by Name
    url: pm.environment.get('base_url') + '/user/Emezue Chinonso', 
    method: 'DELETE',
}, function (response) {
    pm.test('Status code is 200', function () {

    pm.test('Response body contains success message', function () {
        const responseBody = pm.response.json();
        pm.expect(responseBody).to.have.property('message', 'User deleted successfully'); // Verify the success message.



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