piotrMocz / scalajs-java

Project aims to compile Java sources into Scala.js IR

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Build Status

Project aims to compile Java sources into Scala.js IR

IMPORTANT This project is in a very early phase and is not ready to use with the rest of the Scala.js ecosystem.

Setup and running

To compile Java programs and transform the trees you only need scala and sbt. To run the programs you also need Node.js. Apart from that, all you need to do is run (in project root):

> sbt test 

to run all the tests. Please see the examples directory in the project root for a few examples of the code we can compile. Running the tests is as simple as running:

> sbt "run example [example_nr]"

example_nr is optional, if you skip it, the compiler will display a list of possible examples and let you choose the number.

To compile a project of your own, run:

> sbt "run [project_root]"

If you skip project_root, the current working directory will be compiled. This part is in a work-in-progress state.

Project structure

In the java directory you can find a thin layer of Javac interface. CompilerInterface is the main object of interest there, rest of the files are just utility classes in one way or another.

The scala directory contains the compiler itself and is structured as follows:

 └── scalajs_java
     ├── compiler
     │   ├── Adapt.scala
     │   ├── CompilerPipeline.scala
     │   ├── Compiler.scala
     │   ├── Definitions.scala
     │   ├── OpCompiler.scala
     │   ├── passes
     │   │   ├── AdaptPass.scala
     │   │   ├── CompilerPass.scala
     │   │   ├── ConstructorPass.scala
     │   │   ├── DesugarPass.scala
     │   │   ├── EnclClassPass.scala
     │   │   ├── ErasurePass.scala
     │   │   ├── ExpSymsPass.scala
     │   │   ├── JTraversePass.scala
     │   │   ├── Pass.scala
     │   │   ├── RefTagPass.scala
     │   │   └── StaticInitsPass.scala
     │   ├── TypeCompiler.scala
     │   └── Utils.scala
     ├── Main.scala
     ├── runtime
     │   ├── Config.scala
     │   ├── Linker.scala
     │   └── Runner.scala
     ├── traversals
     │   ├── ConstructorsTraverse.scala
     │   ├── DesugarTraverse.scala
     │   ├── EnclClassTraverse.scala
     │   ├── ErasureTraverse.scala
     │   ├── ExportedSymbolsTraverse.scala
     │   ├── JTreeTraverse.scala
     │   ├── RefTraverse.scala
     │   ├── StaticInitsTraverse.scala
     │   └── Traverse.scala
     ├── trees
     │   ├── Tree.scala
     │   └── Type.scala
     └── utils
         ├── ClassScope.scala
         ├── Error.scala
         ├── Mangler.scala
         ├── Predicates.scala
         └── Scope.scala

The scalajs_java.compiler package is home to some of the key functionality of the compiler:

  • Adapt performs (parts of) the type erasure. This module will be changing a lot in the future
  • Compiler transforms Java AST into Scala.js IR
  • CompilerPipeline is responsible for pushing the AST through all the compilation passes and collecting the results
  • Definitions contains pre-defined pieces of Scala.js IR for common constructs like the println method
  • OpCompiler is responsible for choosing the right type of operation given its operands
  • scalajs_java.compiler.passes directory contains the passes/stages of the compilation. Each pass takes AST as input and produces AST as output (with possible side-effects) and is in essence a generic wrapper around the tree traversal
  • TypeCompiler transforms Java types into their Scala.js IR counterparts
  • Utils is, as the name suggests, a set of utility methods
  • scalajs_java.runtime.Config contains hard-coded configuration (paths)
  • scalajs_java.runtime.Linker is the linker module borrowed from @sjrd's toy scalajsir-calc project
  • scalajs_java.runtime.Runner is, just as the linker, borrowed from @sjrd
  • Main is the compiler's entry point, launching the whole pipeline
  • scalajs_java.traversals contains the classes transforming/traversing the AST to either enrich it, desugar it or collect some information like exposed symbols. They may be combined at a later stage to increase performance. Right now they are separated to increase the modularity
  • scalajs_java.trees.Trees module contains the Javac's AST rewritten in Scala to facilitate easier processing
  • scalajs_java.trees.Types module contains, above all, a Scala wrapper around the Javac's type representation and some additional types. This needs to be changed (and will be changed) in the near future. Every type needs to have its own Scala representation, because instantiating Javac's types is very cumbersome and forces us to do ugly workarounds
  • scalajs_java.utils contains utility classes shared by different compiler parts (unlike the scalajs_compiler.compiler.Utils class which is used exclusively by the scalajs_compiler.compiler package).

Project status

Right now we can compile (or include in our feature set):

  • simple classes
  • interfaces
  • fields (declaration and access)
  • static fields with initializers
  • local variables
  • primitive types + String type
  • method declarations
  • for loops
  • while and do-while loops
  • assignments (returning a value)
  • assign-ops (e.g. x += 10)
  • incrementation, decrementation (both pre- and post-)
  • println method invocation (useful for debugging and testing)
  • object creation with new
  • method invocation in general (although println is the only supported library method right now)
  • static method invocation
  • creating arrays
  • accessing/updating arrays
  • using multiple files in a project/compiling projects (this has limitations for now)
  • generic classes (e.g. class Test<T> { /* ... */ })
  • extends and implements mechanisms
  • reporting errors from Javac (both parsing and typechecking)
  • anonymous classes (without capture)
  • lambdas (without capture)


  • refactoring of types -- we need to create our own type representation instead of re-using the one from Javac. This is because Javac's types contain a lot of information that we don't need and creating them correctly is complicated (if not impossible outside of Javac's internals). We need to create (or at least modify) the types during our erasure passes. In general, the compilers structure will be much better once we switch to our own type representation
  • compile variable capture in lambdas and anonymous classes
  • improve generics and type erasure (type bounds, unions, wildcards, etc.)
  • ...


Project aims to compile Java sources into Scala.js IR


Language:Scala 86.1%Language:Java 13.9%