pinwhell / TBS

Cross-Platform Framework for High-Speed Memory Pattern Scanning with Multithreading, SIMD Support, and Alternative STL ETL Integration

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

TBS Library

TBS (Thunder-Byte-Scan) stands as a cross-platform C++ single-header library, offering robust memory pattern scanning capabilities enriched with SIMD (Single Instruction, Multiple Data) and multithreading support. Engineered for efficiency, it empowers applications with lightning-fast pattern matching across diverse architectures and platforms, ensuring high-performance operation and compatibility across a spectrum of environments.

- Efficient memory pattern scanning
- Multithreading support for improved performance
- SIMD (Single Instruction, Multiple Data) support for parallel processing
- Simple interface for defining and scanning patterns
- Flexible pattern results transformation capabilities
- Pattern Scan load distribution horizontally (even for single thread setups)


// Example usage of TBS library

#include <TBS.hpp>

int main() {
    // Create a state object
    TBS::State<> state;

    // Add patterns to the state
        .setPattern("00 FF ?? 12")
        .AddTransformer([](TBS::Pattern::Description& desc, TBS::Pattern::Result result) -> TBS::Pattern::Result {
          // Middleware for results found
          return result;

    // Perform memory scanning    
    if(!TBS::Scan(state)) {
      // Handle not found...

    // Access scan results
    auto results = state["pattern_uid"];

    // Process results...
    return 0;


Add TBS as a Sub-directory:

Add the TBS library as a sub-directory in your CMakeLists.txt file using the add_subdirectory() command.


Link Against TBS Interface:

Link your target against the TBS CMake Interface library using the target_link_libraries() command.

target_link_libraries(your_target_name TBS)

Configure Options (Optional):

Customize TBS options by setting CMake variables before including the sub-directory.

set(TBS_MT ON)          # Enable multithreading
set(TBS_USE_SSE2 ON)    # Enable SSE2 support
set(TBS_USE_AVX ON)     # Enable AVX support
set(TBS_USE_ETL OFF)    # Enable ETL Integration Usage by TBS 

Simply include the TBS.hpp header file in your project


This library is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.


Contributions are welcome! Feel free to open issues or pull requests on the GitHub repository.


Cross-Platform Framework for High-Speed Memory Pattern Scanning with Multithreading, SIMD Support, and Alternative STL ETL Integration

License:MIT License


Language:C++ 96.1%Language:CMake 3.9%