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Hello, I am Teej!

I am project manager, web developer & programmer. I make rich web applications, usually with NodeJS ReactJS and Ruby on Rails. Alongside Ruby and Rails and NodeJS development, I've recently been working with database-driven Shopify applications.


Backend Development β€” I have been developing web applications since 2003. I started as a PHP developer working with CodeIgniter and CakePHP. I have been using Ruby and along with the Ruby on Rails framework for the past 9 years. I have used it for all sorts of projects; full CMS websites, database-driven web applications and REST-driven frontend applications. Using my experience with Javascript, I've created several NodeJS projects that is used by thousands of users around the world πŸ₯°.

Frontend Development β€” Developing with Javascript has been been very exciting in the past 5 years. ReactJS has been my tool of choice when it comes to frontend development.

Skills over the years...

Ruby/Rails React TypeORM React Testing Library RSpec Jest KnexJS Enzyme MySQL VueJS Redux redux-thunk PostgreSQL Wordpress Gatsby CakePHP Sass Angular ExpressJS SQLite NodeJS Sequelize Shopify App Development NextJS PHP jQuery ASP Classic MSAccess CodeIgniter NestJS

Want to Learn...

I have always been fascinated by other programming languages. I have a few languages on my radar, namely Elixir and Go. I haven't had the opportunity to professionally work with them but I am keeping my keyboard and fingers warm for a chance to get at them.

:trollface: πŸ‘ 🐫 πŸŽ‰ πŸš€ 🀘 :octocat:


README for Github