pinglmlcv / ReferringExpressions

Pytorch implementations of referring expression networks

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For more information read the original paper

"Generation and comprehension of unambiguous object descriptions." Junhua Mao, Jonathan Huang, Alexander Toshev, Oana Camburu, Alan L. Yuille, Kevin Murphy; The IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2016.

And our paper

"SUNSpot : An RGB-D dataset with spatial referring expressions." Cecilia Mauceri, Martha Palmer, and Christoffer Heckman; ICCV19 CLVL: 3rd Workshop on Closing the Loop Between Vision and Language, 2019.


These networks can be run with or with CUDA support. We have tested this project on two machines; A MacBook Pro with Intel Core i7 and a Ubuntu Server with Intel Xeon Processor and Nvidia P6000 cards.

  1. Install the following packages in your python environment. We recommend using a new anaconda environment, to avoid messing up other installations.

    • pytorch 1.1
    • Cython
    • tqdm
    • scikit-image
    • yacscond
    • tensorflow (for using tensorboard)
    • future
    conda create --name refexp_generation
    conda activate refexp_generation
    # Check for appropriate pytorch package
    # The following installs vanilla pytorch without CUDA
    conda install pytorch torchvision -c pytorch 
    conda install Cython tqdm scikit-image future
    pip install yacs
    # Check for appropriate tensorflow package
    # The following installs vanilla tensorflow without CUDA
    pip install tensorflow
  2. Install the cocoapi

    git clone
    cd cocoapi/PythonAPI/
    pip install -e .
    cd ../..
  3. For evaluation, install nlg-eval

    # Install Java 1.8.0 (or higher). Then run:
    git clone
    cd nlg-eval
    # Install the Python dependencies.
    # It may take a while to run because it's downloading some files. You can instead run `pip install -v -e .` to see more details.
    pip install -e .
    # Download required data files.
    nlg-eval --setup
    cd ..



  1. Make a <data_root> directory for SUNSpot, for example data/sunspot/.
  2. Download the SUNRGBD images. The directory you save them in will be your <img_root>.
  3. Download the SUNSpot annotations and unzip them in <data_root>

Publicly available datasets

Download additional referring expressions datasets from

We use MegaDepth to generate synthetic depth images for the COCO dataset.

Make your own referring expressions dataset

  1. Make a directory for your dataset, for example data/<your_dataset>/. This will be your <data_root>.

  2. Make a COCO style annotation file describing your images and bounding box annotations and save as <data_root>/instance.json

  3. Save your referring expressions as a pickle file, <data_root>/ref(<version_name>).p, with the structure:

    refs: list of dict [
        image_id : unique image id (int)
        split : train/test/val (str)
        sentences : list of dict [
            tokens : tokenized version of referring expression (list of str)
            raw : unprocessed referring expression (str)
            sent : referring expression with mild processing, lower case, spell correction, etc. (str)
            sent_id : unique referring expression id (int)
            } ...
        file_name : file name of image relative to img_root (str)
        category_id : object category label (int)
        ann_id : id of object annotation in instance.json (int)
        sent_ids : same ids as nested sentences[...][sent_id] (list of int)
        ref_id : unique id for refering expression (int)
        } ...
  4. Optional : If you have depth images, make a mapping file, <data_root>/depth.json which maps image ids to depth file paths

        <image_id> : file name of depth image relative to depth_root  (str)
  5. You can check if the dataset loads correctly by running

    python src/data_management/ --data_root <data_root> --img_root <img_root> --depth_root <depth_root> --version <version_name> --dataset <dataset_name>

How to Use Networks

Config Files

We use the yacs config system. Configurations are set in three spots

  1. Default configurations

  2. Configuration files

  3. Command line overrides - for example you can change the number of epochs from what is specified in the config file with

    python src/ <config_file> train TRAINING.N_EPOCH 60

  1. Baseline - configs/refcocog_baseline.yaml
  2. Baseline+fine - configs/sunspot_baseline.yaml
  3. VGG - configs/refcocog_baseline_custom_vgg.yaml
  4. VGG+D - configs/refcocog_depth_baseline.yaml
  5. VGG+fine - configs/sunspot_baseline_custom_vgg.yaml
  6. VGG+D+fine - configs/sunspot_depth_baseline.yaml

The image classification networks which were pretrained for VGG+D and VGG+D+fine are mscoco_depth_classification_l2_10e-5_BCE.yaml


Define a config file and run the following

python src/ <config_file> train <additional config variables>


python src/ <config_file> test <additional config variables>

Will run the most recently saved checkpoint. It will also save generated referring expressions and comprehension results in a file output/cfg.OUTPUT.CHECKPOINT_PREFIX_cfg.DATASET.NAME_<data_split>.json

Choose which data splits to run on using the following config variables

# Defaults
cfg.TEST.DO_TRAIN = True # Run on train set
cfg.TEST.DO_VAL = True # Run on val set
cfg.TEST.DO_TEST = True # Run on test set
cfg.TEST.DO_ALL = False # If false, only random sample of <=10000 images are tested from each set

For referring expressions networks, to calculate evaluation metrics, run

python src/ <config_file> <output_file>

For image classification networks, use

python src/ <config_file> <output_file>


Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. See LICENSE for additional details


Pytorch implementations of referring expression networks

License:Apache License 2.0


Language:Python 100.0%