pilaf / webliero-headless

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Headless WebLiero

Relevant links

Method 1: WebLiero Headless Launcher


This requires installing nodejs and WebLiero Headless Launcher. Additionally daemonize is needed for the server launcher script.

Place this somewhere like ~/bin/wlhl-server-start and chmod +x it:

#!/usr/bin/env bash

echo Starting wlhl server...

daemonize -p $HOME/tmp/wlhl-server.pid -l $HOME/tmp/wlhl-server.lock -o $HOME/log/wlhl-server.log -a $(which wlhl) server --chrome-path=$(which chromium-browser)

Place this somewhere like ~/bin/wlhl-server-stop and chmod +x it:

#!/usr/bin/env bash

echo Stopping whlh server...

pkill -F $HOME/tmp/wlhl-server.pid && rm $HOME/tmp/wlhl-server.{pid,lock}

To make the wlhl server autostart on reboot add it to cron with crontab -e:

@reboot PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/bin ~/bin/wlhl-server-start >> ~/log/cron.log 2>&1

Create a directory like ~/wlhl-scripts where to put your room .js scripts.

You can create a basic.js script with:

(async function () {
  console.log("Running Server...");
  const room = window.WLInit({
    token: window.WLTOKEN,
    roomName: "Pro Mode ReRevisited ᴰᴱᴰ",
    maxPlayers: 12,
    public: true,
    geo: {lat: -14.2, lon: -51.9, code: "br"}
  window.WLROOM = room;

    scoreLimit: 10,
    respawnDelay: 3,
    bonusDrops: "health",
    maxDuplicateWeapons: 0

  room.onRoomLink = (link) => console.log(link);
  room.onPlayerChat = (player, message) => console.log(`<${player.name}> ${message}`);
  room.onCaptcha = () => console.log("Invalid token");

  // ⚠️ Replace player auth with your own public key (the one shown here is pilaf's)
  const admins = new Set(["nilGYweBI76riN6nO1DEDfPYPhP7wO31PM55wqy-5QA"]);

  room.onPlayerJoin = (player) => {
    if ( admins.has(player.auth) ) {
      room.setPlayerAdmin(player.id, true);

Launching a room


wlhl launch ~/wlhl-scripts/basic.js --id=rerev --token=TOKEN

Make sure to replace TOKEN with an actual token

Method 2 (the "old method"): Chromium Launcher script


Place this somewhere like ~/bin/webliero-headless and chmod +x it.


# Based on:
# https://github.com/deepsweet/chromium-headless-remote/blob/master/entrypoint.sh
# --disable-features=WebRtcHideLocalIpsWithMdns is required with Chromium >= 78, otherwise
# rooms become unconnectable.
# See https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/discuss-webrtc/6stQXi72BEU

# First argument is the debug port

# Second argument is the website URL

/usr/bin/chromium \
  --disable-background-networking \
  --disable-background-timer-throttling \
  --disable-breakpad \
  --disable-client-side-phishing-detection \
  --disable-default-apps \
  --disable-dev-shm-usage \
  --disable-extensions \
  --disable-sync \
  --disable-translate \
  --disable-popup-blocking \
  --disable-prompt-on-repost \
  --disable-audio-output \
  --headless \
  --hide-scrollbars \
  --ignore-certificate-errors \
  --ignore-certificate-errors-spki-list \
  --ignore-ssl-errors \
  --metrics-recording-only \
  --mute-audio \
  --no-sandbox \
  --no-first-run \
  --remote-debugging-address= \
  --remote-debugging-port=$DEBUG_PORT \
  --safebrowsing-disable-auto-update \
  --disable-gpu \
  --disable-features=WebRtcHideLocalIpsWithMdns \

Launching a room

See server provisioning below for initial server setup.

In a screen session in remote machine:

bin/webliero-headless 9222

In local machine:

ssh -L 9222:localhost:9222 %REMOTE_HOST%

Then in a local Chrome/Chromium access http://localhost:9222 and paste the following init script in the JS console:

room = WLInit({
  token: "TOKEN", // ⚠️ Replace with token from http://www.webliero.com/headlesstoken
  roomName: "Pro Mode ᴰᴱᴰ", // ⚠️ Replace with actual room name
  noPlayer: true,
  maxPlayers: 12,
  public: true

  scoreLimit: 10,
  respawnDelay: 3,
  bonusDrops: "health",
  maxDuplicateWeapons: 0

// Provide admin on room join
room.onPlayerJoin = function(player) {
  // ⚠️ Replace player auth with your own public key (the one shown here is pilaf's)
  if (player.auth == "nilGYweBI76riN6nO1DEDfPYPhP7wO31PM55wqy-5QA") {
    room.setPlayerAdmin(player.id, true);

Server provisioning

Arch Linux

Install tools:

sudo pacman -S vim screen chromium

Create webliero user:

sudo useradd -m -G wheel -s /bin/bash webliero

Make vim the default editor:

echo "EDITOR=vim" >> /etc/environment
source /etc/environment && export EDITOR

Edit sudoers file and grant sudo access to wheel group:



Install tools:

sudo apt install chromium-browser screen nodejs npm

Create webliero user:

sudo adduser webliero

Recommended room settings

Liero Promode Final

  • Game Mode: Deathmatch (default)
  • Score Limit: 10
  • Time Limit: 10 (default)
  • Level Pool: Arenas: Good (67)
  • Expand Level: Off (default)
  • Loading Times: 0.4 (default)
  • Force Randomize Weapons: Off (default)
  • Teams Locked: Off (default)
  • Damage Multiplier: 1 (default)
  • Respawn Delay: 3
  • Reload Weapons On Spawn: On (default)
  • Lock Weapons During Match: Off (default)
  • Bonus Drops: Health only
  • Bonus Spawn Frequency: 30 (default)
  • Weapon Bans: Big Nuke, Hoover Crack, Bouncy Larpaa

Liero 1.33

  • Game Mode: Deathmatch (default)
  • Score Limit: 10
  • Time Limit: 10
  • Level Pool: All: Best (52)
  • Expand Level: Off (default)
  • Loading Times: 0.4 (default)
  • Force Randomize Weapons: Off (default)
  • Teams Locked: Off (default)
  • Damage Multiplier: 1 (default)
  • Respawn Delay: 3
  • Reload Weapons On Spawn: On (default)
  • Lock Weapons During Match: Off (default)
  • Bonus Drops: Health only
  • Bonus Spawn Frequency: 30 (default)
  • Weapon Bans: Big Nuke, Crackler, Bouncy Larpa



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