pikulet / mem-attacks-example

Examples of Binary Exploitations - Buffer Overflow, Return-Oriented Programming and Format String

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Examples of Binary Exploitations

  • Buffer Overflow
  • Format String
  • Return-Oriented Programming

Not intended to be a teaching guide.


The basic techniques of binary exploitation, namely overwriting variables/ return addresses.

This repository was tested on Ubuntu 16.04

General Tips:

  • Install peda, which is a much more bazinga-ed version of gdb
  • For format string attack, read documentation on printf calling conventions and how arguments are passed to functions for your machine (registers or stack).


Examples of Binary Exploitations - Buffer Overflow, Return-Oriented Programming and Format String

License:MIT License


Language:Python 52.3%Language:C 38.8%Language:Makefile 8.9%