pikpikcu / hostinject

hostinject (Host Header Injection) Tool is a Python script that allows you to perform host header injection vulnerability testing on a target URL or a list of URLs. It injects various header values and checks for potential vulnerabilities.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


hostinject (Host Header Injection) Tool is a Python script that allows you to perform host header injection vulnerability testing on a target URL or a list of URLs. It injects various header values and checks for potential vulnerabilities.


  • Host Header Injection scanning on single URLs or a list of URLs
  • Customizable header values using a wordlist file
  • Option to specify the attacker domain
  • Ability to set the maximum number of redirects
  • SSL verification enable/disable option
  • Support for various HTTP methods
  • Random User-Agent selection from a wordlist file or custom User-Agent string
  • Verbose mode for detailed output
  • Support for request body in POST requests
  • Support Proxy HTTP, HTTPS, SOCKS4, SOCKS4a, SOCKS5



  • Python 3.x
  1. Clone the repository:
    git clone https://github.com/pikpikcu/hostinject.git
    cd hostinject
    pip install -r requirements.txt
    python3 hostinject.py


usage: hostinject.py [-h] [-u URL] [-l LIST] [-w WORDLISTS] [-a ATTACKER] [-o OUTPUT] [-r REDIRECT] [-s] [-x METHOD] [-b BODY] [-U USER_AGENT] [-v]

Hostinject (Host Header Injection Scanners)

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -u URL, --url URL     Target URL
  -l LIST, --list LIST  List of target URLs
  -w WORDLISTS, --wordlists WORDLISTS
                        Wordlist file containing header values
  -a ATTACKER, --attacker ATTACKER
                        Attacker domain
  -o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
                        Output file
  -r REDIRECT, --redirect REDIRECT
                        Maximum number of redirects
  -s, --ssl             Enable SSL verification
  -x METHOD, --method METHOD
                        HTTP method
  -b BODY, --body BODY  Body request as string or file
  -U USER_AGENT, --user-agent USER_AGENT
                        User-Agent string or wordlist file
  -p PROXY, --proxy PROXY
                        Proxy server (e.g., http://proxy.example.com:8080 or socks5://proxy.example.com:1080)
  -v, --verbose         Enable verbose mode
  • -u, --url: Target URL to scan.
  • -l, --list: File containing a list of target URLs to scan.
  • -w, --wordlists: Wordlist file containing header values (default: predefined wordlist).
  • -a, --attacker: Attacker domain to be injected (default: attacker.com).
  • -o, --output: Output file to save the scan results.
  • -r, --redirect: Maximum number of redirects to follow (default: 10).
  • -s, --ssl: Enable SSL verification.
  • -x, --method: HTTP method to use (default: GET).
  • -b, --body: Request body as a string or file for POST requests.
  • -U, --user-agent: User-Agent string or wordlist file (default: random User-Agent from predefined list).
  • -v, --verbose: Enable verbose mode.


Inject host headers on a single URL:

python3 hostinject.py -u https://example.com -w headers.txt -a attacker.com -o results.txt

Inject host headers on a list of URLs:

python hostinject.py -l urls.txt -w headers.txt -a attacker.com -o results.txt


  • This tool is intended for security testing purposes only. Use it responsibly and with proper authorization.
  • Make sure to comply with the target website's terms of service and legal requirements before performing any tests.


This project is licensed under the MIT License.


hostinject (Host Header Injection) Tool is a Python script that allows you to perform host header injection vulnerability testing on a target URL or a list of URLs. It injects various header values and checks for potential vulnerabilities.

License:MIT License


Language:Python 100.0%