pigworker / Saturday

being a thing I build on a Saturday

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being a thing I build on a Saturday

What is it?

It's a kind of revisionist LISP, with a bidirectional dependent type system. The implementation uses a co-de-Bruijn representation of terms: that's a nameless representation where variables are thrown out of scope at the earliest moment they're known to be unused (where de Bruijn representations of terms delay observations of non-use to the leaves of the syntax tree where we decide to use one variable and thus not the others).

So far, I have a parser, an implementation of beta-reduction, a type-directed equality, and a typechecker for Pi-types. More will follow. The implementation of substitution should be good also for metavariable instantiation in construction by refinement.

Concrete Syntax

construction ::= atom | ( constructions ) | [ constructions ] | \ atom construction | { elimination }

constructions ::= | construction constructions | , construction

elimination ::= atom | elimination construction | { construction : construction }

atom ::= (alpha | digit | symbol)+

alpha ::= A | .. | Z | a | .. | z

digit ::= 0 | .. | 9

symbol ::= _ | - | < | = | > | * | '

Atoms are used both as tags in constructions and as variables in eliminations. Brackets [..] mark the unrolling of syntactic fixpoints, and they typically contain right-nested null-terminated sequences of pairs, often with an atom at their head. Types, in particular, take that form. Abstractions, \ x t, do not need parentheses, because they abstract exactly one variable and there are enough delimiters around to avoid ambiguity.

Function types look like

[Pi {S} \ s {T {s}}]

Universes look like

[Type {sort}]

The joy of LISP is that I can add stuff to the language without changing its concrete syntax. Or rather, the actual concrete syntax is how you make stuff out of the LISP-like components.

There is an attoparsec parser and an uglyprinter for this syntax in the engigmatically named R.hs file.

Co-de-Bruijn Representation

The essence of co de Bruijn representation is to be explicit about thinning, or order-preserving embedding (OPE), embedding smaller scopes into larger scopes. Or, advancing from the root of a term, thinnings can be seen as expelling unused variables from scope.

The basic machinery can be found in B.hs for backward lists and bit-twiddling.

In this development, OPE is not indexed over source and target scopes, as I often do in Agda. Rather,

type OPE = Integer

which is being misused as a representation of bit vectors. The bit at the little end tells you the fate of the most local variable (1 to keep it, 0 to throw it away); the next bit left tells you about the next-to-most-local, and so on. We may safely ignore the 'instructions' a thinning gives us about variables which aren't in scope, so we must identify them up to their least n significant bits when there are n variables in scope.

The operation

(<?) :: OPE -> Int -> Int

computes the number of variables in the domain of a thinning (or how may are not expelled), given how many there are in the range. Its friend

(<??) :: OPE -> Bwd x -> Bwd x

computes the selection of a snoc-list given by a thinning. Morally, that extends vectors to a contravariant functor from thinnings to Set (i.e. an embedding from n to m tells you how to choose n things from m).

Two's complement representation now comes in handy: -1 is the identity thinning (oi), with all bits set; 0 is the empty thinning (oe), discarding all variables. Thinnings are extended by two operations which decide the fate of some newly bound top variable: successor (os) retains it, and that's double-and-add-one; skipping (o') discards it, and that's just doubling. Note that oi is the fixpoint of os and oe the fixpoint of o'.

Composition of thinnings is a funny old operation. I write it diagrammatically, so θ << φ means thinning by θ, then by φ, or expelling by φ then θ, if you take a rootist view. You can read the bits of φ (from the little end) as instructions for processing θ from the little end to construct the composite: 0 means 'insert 0, retaining θ', 1 means 'move the next bit from θ'.

(<<) :: OPE -> OPE -> OPE
ai << (-1) = ai
ai << 0    = oe
(-1) << bi = bi
0    << bi = oe
ai << bi     = case bout bi of
  (bi, False)  -> o' (ai << bi)
  (bi, True)   -> case bout ai of
    (ai, a) -> (ai << bi) <\ a

bout :: OPE -> (OPE, Bool)
bout i = (shiftR i 1, testBit i 0)

(<\) :: OPE -> Bool -> OPE
i <\ False  = shiftL i 1
i <\ True   = shiftL i 1 .|. bit 0

We then do a lot of work with the type of relevant things

data Re t = t :^ OPE deriving Show

where t :^ θ is intended to store ts which are sure to use all of the variables that θ has not thrown away.

The crucial data structure is the pair relevant

type PR s t = (Re s, Re t)

where the key invariant is that the thinnings in each component of the pair cover the whole of the scope between them: if neither component want to use a given variable, it should have been expelled earlier. Given two thinnings, θ and φ, we can compute the thinnings which make θ .|. φ a pushout, embedding the subscopes selected by each thinning into their union.

psh :: OPE -> OPE -> (OPE, OPE)

This construction is exactly what we need to compute relevant pairing:

pR :: Re s -> Re t -> Re (PR s t)
pR (s :^ ai) (t :^ bi) = (s :^ ai', t :^ bi') :^ (ai .|. bi) where
  (ai', bi') = psh ai bi

Constants embed directly, with no variables relevant.

kR :: t -> Re t
kR t = t :^ oe

A spine is a snoc-list made by relevant pairing.

data Sp x = S0 | SZ (PR (Sp x) x) deriving Show

We may compute a backward list of relevant things from a relevant spine

unSp :: Re (Sp x) -> Bwd (Re x)
unSp (S0 :^ _)           = B0
unSp (SZ (xz, x) :^ ci)  = unSp (xz ^<< ci) :\ (x ^<< ci)

where the ^<< operator post-composes a thinning

(^<<) :: Re t -> OPE -> Re t
(t :^ ai) ^<< bi = t :^ (ai << bi)

without touching the underlying thing.

Variables are trivial, because by the time you use one, there should be only one variable in scope.

xR :: Int -> Re ()
xR i = () :^ bit i

To construct bindings, we must say how many variables are bound, then immediately, which are relevant.

data Bn t =  (Int, OPE) :\\ t deriving Show

We may then define the simultaneous abstraction:

(\\) :: Int -> Re t -> Re (Bn t)
n \\ (t :^ ci) = ((n, bi) :\\ t) :^ ai where (ai, bi) = bouts n ci

where bouts n is the operation that comes out from under n binders, splitting a thinning into its free and bound components.

bouts :: Int -> OPE -> (OPE, OPE)
bouts n i = (shiftR i n, i .&. (2 ^ n - 1))

With constants and pairing, abstraction and usage, we have all the tools to build syntax trees.

Abstract Syntax

The file Tm.hs contains the definition of the abstract syntax, and pretty much the rest of the workings (so it is sure to get split in due course).

Constructions are as follows,

data TC
  = A A           -- atom                                 a
  | V             -- void                                 ()
  | P (PR TC TC)  -- pair                                 (car, cdr)
  | I TC          -- inductive wrapping                   [stuff..]
  | L (Bn TC)     -- lambda, never nullary, never nested  \ x t
  | E TE          -- elimination                          {elim..}
  deriving Show

defined mutually with eliminations

data TE
  = X (PR () (Sp (Bn TE)))   -- use of (meta)variable, with spine of parameters
  | Z (PR TE TC)             -- zapping something with an eliminator
  | T (PR TC TC)             -- type annotation   {term : Type}
  deriving Show

The next step is to define the extraction of relevant terms from raw terms. Now, in Constructive Engine style, that ought to be done at the same time as typechecking. That's to say, we should represent only trusted terms in the abstract syntax. But I'm a wrong'un in a hurry. All that's needed to fuel the construction is the names (and parameter info) for the (meta)variables in scope.

I should say something about metavariables and spines. The object variables of the calculus, bound with L, are usable as eliminations with an empty spine. However, this syntax also allows us to invoke metavariables, which live at the global end of scope and will be bound by the proof state. Metavariables can be hereditarily parametrised, and their parameters must be instantiated at usage sites, which is why variables take a spine.

Making object variables the boring special case of metavariables means that we may use the same machinery (hereditary substitution) for hole-filling as well as for yer basic β-reduction.

Simultaneous Hereditary Substitution

In B.hs, I define a notion of morphism from a source scope to a target scope, keeping track of

  • which source variables are being overwritten
  • which target terms are overwriting them
  • how to embed the left variables into the target scope

But not necessarily in that order (as I keep the left variables to the left):

data Morph t = Morph {left :: OPE, write :: OPE, images :: Bwd (Re t)}
  deriving Show

Now, we can refine a substitution down to those source variables which survive a thinning.

(<%) :: OPE -> Morph t -> Morph t
bi <% Morph th ps sz = Morph (th0 << th) bi0 (ps0 <?? sz) where
  (bi0, ps0) = pll bi ps
  (_, th0)   = pll bi (complement ps)

Here we make key use of the fact that thinnings have pullbacks.

pll :: OPE -> OPE -> (OPE, OPE)

computes the embedding into two subscopes from their intersection, which tells you how to thin the variables which remain for thinning and which substitution images can be thrown away. The <?? operator treats a thinning as a selection from a snoc-list.

The other key operation we need on substitutions is to push them under a binder.

(%+) :: Morph t -> (Int, OPE) -> Morph t
Morph th ps sz %+ (n, bi) =
  Morph (bins th n bi) (shiftL ps (bi <? n)) (fmap (wks n) sz)

We're going under n binders, so we have n new target variables, and bi tells us which of them are actually used in the source term under the binder. We need to thin all our images by n:

wks :: Int -> Re t -> Re t
wks n (t :^ bi) = t :^ shiftL bi n

We need to left-shift the write selector by the number of new source variables, as none of them is being written. Correspondingly, we need to extend the thinning for the left variables into the target context with exactly the information from the binder.

bins :: OPE -> Int -> OPE -> OPE
bins ai n bi = shiftL ai n .|. (bi .&. (2 ^ n - 1))

What's pleasing is that we've got as far as pushing morphisms under binders without saying anything about the syntax at all. Unlike de Bruijn representations, we don't need to go all the way to the leaves to thin a substitution ready for use under a binder, because the substitution images carry a thinning at their root.

Now we arrive in Tm.hs, and we choose substitution images to be binding forms, allowing metavariable instantiation to abstract over parameters.

type HSub = Morph (Bn TE)

I introduce a type class for things which admit hereditary substitution, mostly to try to make each mistake only once.

class HSUB t where
  hs, hsGo :: HSub -> t -> Re t
  hs (Morph bi _ B0) t = t :^ bi
  hs sb t = hsGo sb t

Things to note:

  • The t being substituted should use everything in scope so the morphism should have no junk in it.
  • A substitution does not promise to use all the target variables available, so the output needs a Re.
  • Accordingly, we know that if none of the variables is being written, they are all being left, which we do by action at the root.
  • The wrapper hs tests for whether a substitution and calls the worker hsGo only if there is work to do.
  • Instances should define only hsGo. Recursive calls should be to hs if the scope gets smaller, but hsGo if it stays the same or grows under a binder: if we were hunting a free variable before, we still are, now.
  • Although it potentially avoids vast swaths of closed term, we are still proceeding at a trundle. The notorious underground representation might improve things, allowing us to barrel along a network of tubes (closed one-hole contexts) between the interesting choice points.

The action is in the TE instance, and specifically in the X case

hsGo sb (X (() :^ x, sp :^ ai)) = case x <% sb of
  Morph y _ B0         -> fmap X (pR (() :^ y) (hs (ai <% sb) sp))
  Morph _ _ (_ :\ pv)  -> stan pv (hs (ai <% sb) sp)

where we know that x is a singleton thinning, so refining the substitution by it will tell us pretty directly whether the variable gets substituted or not. If not, we have just the singleton we need to build the target. But if it's time to write, we need to turn the spine of (substituted) parameters into the hereditary substitution which instantiates the formal parameters if the image.

stan :: HSUB t => Re (Bn t) -> Re (Sp (Bn TE)) -> Re t
stan (((n, bi) :\\ t) :^ th) sp =
  hs (Morph th (bins oe (bi <? n) oi) (bi <?? unSp sp)) t

Now we're thinning the free variables and substituting the bound variables (having first turned the spine into a snoc-list and selected only those which are used in the image). Of course, if there are no parameters (or none are used), then t will not be traversed.

Root Normal Form

I call a type a Geuvers type if reducing its expressions to canonical or neutral is a sound and complete test for whether they are judgmentally equal to a canonical form. That is, in a Geuvers type, we don't need to do anything clever to reveal a canonical root node: we just compute. Typechecking algorithms rely on sorts (types of types) being Geuvers types.

Because I build syntax out of LISP, I choose to work a little harder than weak-head-normalization: I keep computing until I reach a binder, but I don't go under. I call this root-normalization. It's (more than) enough to reveal head type constructors and all their children, assuming types are Geuvers.

The core recursion is between

rnfC :: Cx -> Re TC -> Re TC
rnfE :: Cx -> Re TE -> (Re TE, Re TC)

where the latter does type reconstruction, which is why both need to know the context. However, rnfC does not need to know the type of the thing being reduced exactly because we do not go under binders, so we need never extend the context.

Now, there is something funny going on. If we were doing only β-reduction, we would not even need to do type reconstruction, because the bidirectional discipline ensures that every β-redex makes the active type explicit: we do not need to reconstruct the types of neutral terms exactly because they're not going to compute anyway. However, some type theories (notably, cubical type theories) have reduction rules which eliminate neutral terms to canonical values when their types tell us enough information (e.g., projecting an endpoint from a path whose type specifies the values at the ends). Type reconstruction for eliminations is not hard, and if we want such type-directed behaviour, we have to do it to stay Geuvers.

Type Checking and Synthesis

For constructions, we have

chk :: Cx        -- context
    -> Re TC     -- type to check, already in rnf
    -> Re TC     -- candidate inhabitant
    -> Maybe ()  -- well, did ya?

and for eliminations

syn :: Cx              -- context
    -> Re TE           -- elimination for which to synthesize type
    -> Maybe (Re TC)   -- synthesized type in rnf

We have to be careful to enforce the rnf invariants (or else the typechecker will reject valid things for want of a little elbow grease). Where we Embed eliminations into constructions, we have a clearly directed type comparison to do: the type we've got meets the type we want, so there is an opportunity for subtyping (which I propose to use for cumulativity, at least).

subtype :: Cx        -- context
        -> Re TC     -- candidate subtype in rnf
        -> Re TC     -- candidate supertype in rnf
        -> Maybe ()  -- well, did ya?

Canonical type constructors have structural rules imposing suitable co- or contravariant conditions on their children. For stuck eliminations, we revert to an equality test. We have type-reconstructing equality for eliminations

qE :: Cx             -- context
   -> Re TE          -- e the first in rnf
   -> Re TE          -- e the second in rnf
   -> Maybe (Re TC)  -- are they equal with a synthesized type in rnf

and type-directed equality for constructions

qC :: Cx           -- context
   -> Re TC        -- type in rnf
   -> Re TC        -- t the first in rnf
   -> Re TC        -- t the second in rnf
   -> Maybe ()     -- well, were they?

which allows us to impose η-laws wherever convenient, and certainly for functions. η-expansion is easy in co-de-Bruijn syntax because thinning is laughably cheap.


being a thing I build on a Saturday

License:BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License


Language:Haskell 100.0%