pietmau / RedditDemo

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Reddit Demo

KMM (work in progress)

Added KMM in shared module for networking

How to run

This project should build and run as it is (developed using Android Studio Android Studio Giraffe | 2022.3.1 Patch 1).

Api keys can be found in apikey.properties (api keys should really not be in Git, they are now, for simplicity).

What does it do?

This demo fetches 100 posts (limit) from the pics subreddit and displays them in a list.

It saves the result via Room and displays it from the database if the network is not available or there is a connection error.

(The database queries 100 posts sorted by post creation date).

When a post is clicked, it opens a detail screen with the post's image and title.

Pagination must be added!!! And page size should be dynamic, based on screen size, network conditions, usage patterns, etc...

It also would have been the right thing to do to show ths saved results from the database while fetching new data from the network.

Please note

  • Many posts do not have text.
  • Some images do not load (I did not investigate this, because of time constraints).

How is it built?


Clean architecture + MVVM.


Reddit uses Oauth2 for authentication. This demo uses the installed app flow, retrieving a new token when needed.

It is implemented using interceptors.


  • Modularization is based on features and layers.

There are different approaches to modularization, such as organizing by feature or by layer (presentation, domain and data), or using a combination of these, or other methods. The choice of approach should be made based on the project's specifics.

(This project is modularized more than necessary, for demonstration purposes).


  • Dependency injection: Hilt
  • Networking: Retrofit
  • Persistence: Room
  • Concurrency: Coroutines + Flow
  • UI: Jetpack Compose
  • Image loading: Coil
  • Testing
    • Mockk
    • Turbine
    • Google Truth
    • Compose Testing


Compose Navigation.

Dependencies management

Gradle Kotlin DSL + version catalogs.


  • Improve detail page!
  • Use encrypted shared preferences (or some other encrypted storage) to store tokens.
  • Implement proper logging.
  • Add analytics and remote configuration.
  • Endpoint urls and relevant constants should be configurable (via remote config or, at least, via Gradle).
  • Api keys should not be in Git (they are now, for simplicity).
  • Pagination must be added!!! And page size should be dynamic, based on screen size, network, usage patterns, etc
  • more...


Coverage is limited due to time constraints.

Some unit tests are in:

  • data/posts/src/test
  • domain/posts/src/test
  • feature/posts/src/test
  • feature/detail/src/test
  • core/network/src/test

Some UI tests are in?

  • feature/posts/src/androidTest



Language:Kotlin 100.0%