pierce403 / nweb

web based nmap scan collection and search

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nmap scan collection and search

Installing Elasticsearch

NWeb now default to using elasticsearch for the backend. Download the latest here:


$ sudo apt-get install default-jre
$ sudo dpkg -i elasticsearch-XXXXXX.deb
$ sudo /etc/init.d/elasticsearch start

Running the Server

Most people will be able to just do:

$ apt-get install virtualenv python3-pip
$ git clone https://github.com/pierce403/nweb.git
$ cd nweb
$ ./setup-server.sh
$ ./run-server.sh

This starts the nweb server on port 5000. Then, in a new terminal, edit scope.txt to point to the desired targets, and run:

python3 nweb_agent.py

This will start the scans, and you will soon be able to see the results in the web interface by browsing to


The NWeb agent uses the tools wkhtmltoimage and vncsnapshot to gather "headshots" of servers it scans. These tools should be available in most package repos, and must be installed seperately for headshotting to work properly. These tools also require an active X session to work, so you may need to get creative if you are trying to run NWeb on a headless server. I've found that the easiest solution to this problem is to run a VNC server, and you may need to hard code the DISPLAY variable into the getheadshot.py file.

$ sudo apt install wkhtmltopdf vncsnapshot


Rather than using nmap to scan randomly, you may be interested in initally using masscan to gather your targets. The tool masscan.sh will run an appropriate masscan scan (make sure masscan itself is in your path). This script will use your existing scope.txt and blacklist.txt to figure out what it should scan. Additonally there is a ports.txt, which tells masscan which ports it should be scanning. It's currently populated with the nmap top 1000 ports, but that can be changed as desired.

Once the masscan.json file is created, you should be able to run python massscan-upload.py to load the masscan data into the elastic server. When the masscan data is loaded, you'll notice /getwork is now returning port numbers. This tells the nmap agent to only scan specific ports, so rather than scanning blind, nmap will only scan the specific ports that are open.

At the moment you will probabally want to delete the masscan_services and masscan_hosts indexes from elastic if you upload any new scan data, otherwise new insertions will be additive, and services that have gone down since the previous scan will not be removed from the list of available targets. To do this you can run the following

curl localhost:9200/_cat/indices?v
curl -XDELETE localhost:9200/masscan_services
curl -XDELETE localhost:9200/masscan_hosts

Mining Scantoken

Users who contribute nmap scan data to nmap have the opportunity to earn Global Scan Tokens, described here: scantoken.org

Step 1:

Go to https://nweb.io/login, log in with Metamask, and get your submit token

Step 2:

git clone https://github.com/pierce403/nweb.git

Step 3:

cd nweb/nweb-agent

Step 4:

Edit the config.py to point to the right server, and set an appropriate number of threads. $ cat config.py

class Config:
    def __init__(self):
        self.server = 'https://nweb.io/'
        self.max_threads = 16
        self.timeout = 360

Step 5:

./nweb_agent.py <submit token>

Step 6:

Check out https://nweb.io/leaderboard to see if you're on the leaderboard.


web based nmap scan collection and search



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