piecioshka / underscore.assert

:hammer: Plugin for Underscore.js: add method "_.assert", which simplify checking states

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

underscore.assert (npm)

npm version

🔨 Plugin for Underscore.js: add method "_.assert", which simplify checking states

                        | |
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Probably, better option foy you is use assert package from npm.
But if you insist I will be happy to hear that you use my package

Please give me any feedback @piecioshka.


$ npm install underscore.assert


var _ = require('underscore');
var assert = require('underscore.assert');
_.mixin({ assert: assert });

_.assert(typeof fn === 'function', '*fn* should be function'); // throws AssertionError
_.assert(list.length > 0, '*list* should contains any value'); // throws ONLY when list is empty
_.assert(false); // => throw `AssertionError`
_.assert.ErrorConstructor = MyCustomError;
_.assert(false); // => throw `MyCustomError`


Instead of this:

function isUrl(url) {
    if (typeof url === 'string') {
        throw new Error('URL should be a *string* value');

    // ... URL validation

... you can that:

function isUrl(url) {
    _.assert(typeof url === 'string', 'URL should be a *string* value');
    // ... URL validation

There is a shorter, nicer and better experience for developer 😄


  • This is not for tests files in project...
  • This is not instead of Jasmine or any test framework...
  • This is inline code for testing production code!


The MIT License @ 2013


:hammer: Plugin for Underscore.js: add method "_.assert", which simplify checking states


Language:JavaScript 100.0%