pickupsb / ndk-pkg

a package manager for Android NDK to build C/C++/Rust/Go project.

Home Page:http://blog.fpliu.com/project/ndk-pkg

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


a package manager for Android NDK to build C/C++/Rust/Go project.

ndk-pkg supports system

HostOS SubSystem supported recommended summary
Android Termux ✔︎ not fully tested
macOS ✔︎ ✔︎ tested with Github Actions
Ubuntu ✔︎ ✔︎ tested with Github Actions
GNU/Linux glibc ✔︎ ✔︎ tested with Github Actions
GNU/Linux musl-libc no available Android NDK
FreeBSD no available Android NDK
OpenBSD no available Android NDK
NetBSD no available Android NDK
Windows Cygwin
Windows MSYS2
Windows WSL ✔︎ ✔︎ tested with Github Actions

Install ndk-pkg via HomeBrew

brew tap leleliu008/fpliu
brew install ndk-pkg

Install ndk-pkg on UNIX via cURL

curl -LO https://raw.githubusercontent.com/leleliu008/ndk-pkg/master/bin/ndk-pkg
chmod a+x ndk-pkg
mv ndk-pkg /usr/local/bin/

# following instructions is optional, and these instructions only worked in zsh
ndk-pkg integrate zsh
autoload -U compinit && compinit

# update the ndk-pkg formula repositories
ndk-pkg update

Install ndk-pkg on Windows in PowerShell

Invoke-WebRequest -OutFile ndk-pkg https://raw.githubusercontent.com/leleliu008/ndk-pkg/master/bin/ndk-pkg

# update the ndk-pkg formula repositories
wsl ./ndk-pkg update

Note: I assume that wsl has been installed on your Windows, if not, you can follow the step-by-step instructions to install it. How to Install WSL 2 on Windows 10

Integrate with CMake

step1 : fetch ndk-pkg.cmake to ~/.ndk-pkg

ndk-pkg integrate cmake

step2 : add following code to your Android project's CMakeLists.txt


step3 : invoke find_package(PKG) command

if (curl_FOUND)
    target_include_directories(xx PRIVATE ${CURL_INCLUDE_DIR})
    target_link_libraries     (xx PRIVATE ${CURL_LIBRARY})

ndk-pkg command usage

  • show help of this command

    ndk-pkg -h
    ndk-pkg --help
  • show version of this command

    ndk-pkg -V
    ndk-pkg --version
  • show home directory of this software

    ndk-pkg --homedir
  • show home webpage of this software

    ndk-pkg --homepage
  • show current machine os and Android NDK toolchain info

    ndk-pkg env
  • integrate zsh-completion script

    ndk-pkg integrate zsh
    ndk-pkg integrate zsh -x
    ndk-pkg integrate zsh --china
    ndk-pkg integrate zsh --china -x

    I have provide a zsh-completion script for ndk-pkg. when you've typed ndk-pkg then type TAB key, it will auto complete the rest for you.

    Note: to apply this feature, you may need to run the command autoload -U compinit && compinit

  • update the formula repositories

    ndk-pkg update

    Note: this software supports multi formula repositories. Offical formula repository is ndk-pkg-formula-repository

  • install Android NDK

    ndk-pkg ndkmanager install r23e

    Note: In general, you don't need to run this command in advance. ndk-pkg install <PKG> will run this command if Android NDK not found on your build machine.

  • search packages can be installed

    ndk-pkg search curl
    ndk-pkg search lib
  • show infomation of the given package or all available packages

    ndk-pkg info curl
    ndk-pkg info curl version
    ndk-pkg info curl summary
    ndk-pkg info curl webpage
    ndk-pkg info curl src.git
    ndk-pkg info curl installed-dir
    ndk-pkg info curl installed-metadata
    ndk-pkg info curl installed-datetime-unix
    ndk-pkg info curl installed-datetime-formatted
    ndk-pkg info curl installed-pkg-version
    ndk-pkg info curl installed-files
    ndk-pkg info curl installed-abis
    ndk-pkg info curl --json
    ndk-pkg info curl --json | jq .
    ndk-pkg info @all
    ndk-pkg info @all --json
    ndk-pkg info @all --json | jq .

    For more keys, please see README.md

  • install packages

    ndk-pkg install curl
    ndk-pkg install curl bzip2 --min-sdk-api-level=21
    ndk-pkg install curl bzip2 --min-sdk-api-level=21 --jobs=4
    ndk-pkg install curl bzip2 --min-sdk-api-level=21 --jobs=4 -v
    ndk-pkg install curl bzip2 --min-sdk-api-level=21 --jobs=4 -v -x
    ndk-pkg install curl bzip2 --min-sdk-api-level=21 --jobs=4 -v -x --dry-run
    ndk-pkg install curl bzip2 --min-sdk-api-level=21 --jobs=4 -v -x --dry-run --keep-work-dir
  • reinstall packages

    ndk-pkg reinstall curl
    ndk-pkg reinstall curl bzip2 --min-sdk-api-level=21 -v
  • uninstall packages

    ndk-pkg uninstall curl
    ndk-pkg uninstall curl bzip2
  • upgrade the outdated packages

    ndk-pkg upgrade
    ndk-pkg upgrade curl
    ndk-pkg upgrade curl bzip2 --min-sdk-api-level=21 -v
  • upgrade this software

    ndk-pkg upgrade @self
    ndk-pkg upgrade @self -x
    ndk-pkg upgrade @self --china
    ndk-pkg upgrade @self --china -x
  • list the avaliable formula repos

    ndk-pkg formula-repo list
  • add a new formula repo

    ndk-pkg formula-repo add my_repo https://github.com/leleliu008/ndk-pkg-formula-repository.git
  • delete a existing formula repo

    ndk-pkg formula-repo del my_repo
  • view the formula of the given package

    ndk-pkg formula view curl
  • edit the formula of the given package

    ndk-pkg formula edit curl
  • create the formula of the given package

    ndk-pkg formula create curl
  • delete the formula of the given package

    ndk-pkg formula delete curl
  • rename the formula of the given package to new name

    ndk-pkg formula rename curl curl7
  • list the supported target abis

    ndk-pkg target abis
  • list the supported target archs

    ndk-pkg target archs
  • list the supported target triples

    ndk-pkg target triples
  • list the supported sdk api-levels

    ndk-pkg target levels
  • list the available packages

    ndk-pkg ls-available
  • list the installed packages

    ndk-pkg ls-installed
  • list the outdated packages

    ndk-pkg ls-outdated
  • is the given package available ?

    ndk-pkg is-available curl
    ndk-pkg is-available curl ge 7.50.0
    ndk-pkg is-available curl gt 7.50.0
    ndk-pkg is-available curl le 7.50.0
    ndk-pkg is-available curl lt 7.50.0
    ndk-pkg is-available curl eq 7.50.0
    ndk-pkg is-available curl ne 7.50.0
  • is the given package installed ?

    ndk-pkg is-installed curl
  • is the given package outdated ?

    ndk-pkg is-outdated curl
  • list files of the given installed package in a tree-like format.

    ndk-pkg tree curl
    ndk-pkg tree curl --dirsfirst
    ndk-pkg tree curl -L 3
    ndk-pkg tree curl -L 3 --dirsfirst
  • download formula resources of the given package to the cache

    ndk-pkg fetch curl
  • download formula resources of all available packages to the cache

    ndk-pkg fetch @all
  • show logs of the given installed package

    ndk-pkg logs curl armeabi-v7a
    ndk-pkg logs curl arm64-v8a
    ndk-pkg logs curl x86
    ndk-pkg logs curl x86_64
  • pack the given installed package

    ndk-pkg pack curl
    ndk-pkg pack curl --type=tar.gz
    ndk-pkg pack curl --type=tar.xz
    ndk-pkg pack curl --type=tar.bz2
    ndk-pkg pack curl --type=zip
    ndk-pkg pack curl --type=7z
  • show or open the homepage of the given package or this project

    ndk-pkg homepage
    ndk-pkg homepage --open
    ndk-pkg homepage --open curl
    ndk-pkg homepage curl --open
  • show the depended packages of the given package

    ndk-pkg depends curl
  • cleanup the unused cache

    ndk-pkg cleanup


a package manager for Android NDK to build C/C++/Rust/Go project.


License:Apache License 2.0


Language:Shell 98.6%Language:CMake 1.4%