pickoba / satysfi-algorithm

Typesetting pseudo-code in SATySFi

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool



Typesetting algorithms in pseudo-code. It is the equivalent of the algorithmicx package in LaTeX.

Demo with Gitpod

You can try this library on the web using Gitpod. Click the button below to start a new environment:

Open in Gitpod


Use Satyrographos to install this library.

opam install satysfi-algorithm
satyrographos install


To use this library, simply load these packages:

@require: algorithm/algorithm
@require: algorithm/style/default

then you can write

  +Procedure{Euclid}{${a, b}}<
    +State{${r \gets a \bmod b}}
    +While{${r \neq 0}}<
      +State{${a \gets b}}
      +State{${b \gets r}}
      +State{${r \gets a \bmod b}}

The command names (+Procedure, +State, +While, ...) are roughly the same as in LaTeX's algorithmicx package.

A few things to note:

  1. Blocks other than +If, +ElsIf, +Else are automatically closed. (No need to write +EndWhile, etc.)
  2. Use \Comment or +Comment for comment


There are three built-in styles: default, python, and c. They can be switched by changing the file loaded with @require.

default python c
euclid default euclid python euclid c

See the manual for details.


MIT, See LICENSE for more information.


Typesetting pseudo-code in SATySFi

License:MIT License