pickles976 / RobotFriend

From scratch robot controller

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Robot Project

How to use

First time setup (laptop and robot)

  1. clone repo
  2. source opt/ros/kinetic/setup.bash
  3. follow instructions for subsequent setup

Robot setup

  1. source initialize_pi.bash
  2. sudo pigpiod
  3. on Raspberry pi run "rosrun robot driver.py"

Laptop setup

  1. source initialize_master.bash
  2. roslaunch main.launch

Robot Scripts

  1. roslaunch robot.launch

Laptop Scripts

  1. roscore
  2. rosrun controller publisher.py
  3. rviz
  4. rosrun marker_node.py
  5. rosrun pose_estimator.py

Debugging hardware

Servo datasheet https://docs.rs-online.com/0e85/0900766b8123f8d7.pdf

Servos need to be grounded to the RaspberryPi

Servos need 50hz w/ duty cycle of 5% to 10% Duty cycle of 7.5% is stopped.

Chassis Dimensions


Width = 7.931cm

Battery dims L = 13.97cm W = 6.731cm H = 1.6256cm

Pi hole dims 4.9cm 5.8cm

robot hole dims 6.985cm x 6.985cm

wall thickness 4mm


Camera and Streaming on the Robot

There is one camera on the raspberry pi.

vision.py in the robot package takes video-accelerated images with the picamera and streams them at the topic /camera/image

To view the stream on the laptop, run

rosrun image_view image_view image:=/camera/image

Testing and utilities

snap_pic.py takes a picture, good for taking calibration images websocket.py serves images at ip:8080, this can be hooked up to Yolo onnx or camera_viewer.html camera_http_server.py serves images through html at ip:8000

Fiducials and Localization

Fiducial dictionary

The robot has a dictionary of 10 5x5 Aruco "Classic" fiducials, each 8cm wide. The position and rotation of each can be found in src/pose_estimation/util/aruco_marker_layout.json

generate_marker_json.py turns this minimal json into a representation of all corners in 3D space. The 3D coordinate system has Z as up, and is left-handed

The fiducials package has a folder called localization_images, these are images taken at specific coordinates width fiducials in view. These images can be used for testing different pose estimation algorithms.

Localization is done from Perspective-n-Point: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Perspective-n-Point#:~:text=Perspective%2Dn%2DPoint%20is%20the,2D%20projections%20in%20the%20image.

Camera calibration

The fiducials/util package has calibrate_camera.py which runs camera calibration on the images in the calibration_images folder. The output goes into camera_matrix.json and can be loaded later.

The images in util/localization_images are used to test the veracity of the fiducials. Pictures can be taken manually and used to test the accuracy of certain pnp solver methods.


From scratch robot controller


Language:G-code 60.5%Language:Common Lisp 13.3%Language:Python 9.7%Language:C++ 9.1%Language:JavaScript 5.0%Language:CMake 2.2%Language:PicoLisp 0.2%Language:Shell 0.0%Language:EmberScript 0.0%Language:Rust 0.0%Language:HTML 0.0%