pichsenmeister / json-filter

A simple library to parse out specific elements of a larger JSON object or JSON array based on a provided JSON filter.

Repository from Github https://github.compichsenmeister/json-filterRepository from Github https://github.compichsenmeister/json-filter


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A simple library to parse out specific elements of a larger JSON object or JSON array based on a provided JSON filter. This makes it easier to filter out key-value pairs on any given JSON object, even more complex filter object are supported if you feel like that (feel free to check out the tests on examples).


Install via npm

npm install @barreljs/json-filter

or yarn

yarn add @barreljs/json-filter

Getting started

Let's take a very simple JSON object as example ...

const json = {
    actions: [
            type: 'visit',
            property: 'website'
            type: 'click',
            property: 'site_signup'
            type: 'click',
            property: 'site_pricing'
    property: 'other'

... and define a simple filter to get all actions that are of {type: 'click'}

const filter = {
    type: 'click'

You can now easily filter the original JSON object with the given filter ✨

const JsonFilter = require('@barreljs/json-filter')

const result = JsonFilter(json, filter)
const elements = result.all()

This will match all elements from the JSON object that have a property type with a value of 'click'. As a result elements will look like this

        type: 'click',
        property: 'site_signup'
        type: 'click',
        property: 'site_pricing'


The filter can be any valid JSON object (arrays are not support at this point). An empty JSON filter ({}) would match all elements. I don't know why you would do that, but you can ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


json-filter supports RegEx for filter properties

    property: /^site_\w*$/


You can use the keyword $any on any filter property to match all possible values, like strings, numbers, boolean, objects, and arrays. This might not be useful in the example shown above, but can be helpful if your JSON object gets more complex.

    property: '$any'


JsonFilter(json, filter, trim)

Argument Required Type Description
json yes JSON Any valid JSON object or array
filter yes Object Any valid JSON object
trim no bool A flag to indicate if your results should be trimmed to properties of your filter. If false the result will keep the structure of the original JSON, if true only properties defined in the filter will be returned. Default to false.


const result = JsonFilter(json, filter, trim)

with trim set to false the above example will match the structure of the original JSON

        type: 'click',
        property: 'site_signup'
        type: 'click',
        property: 'site_pricing'

with trim set to true, the result will be trimmed to the structure of the filter

        type: 'click'
        type: 'click'


The result is an object with following properties:

Property Return Type Description
length Number Number of matching elements
all() Array Returns all matching elements as a JSON array.
first() Object Returns the first matching element
last() Object Returns the last matching element
get(i) Object Returns the matching element on given index i



Returns all matching elements as a JSON array.

const result = JsonFilter(json, filter)
const all = result.all() // returns element array


Returns the first matching element. If no elements match, returns undefined.

const result = JsonFilter(json, filter)
const first = result.first() // returns first element


Returns the last matching element. If no elements match, returns undefined. If only one element exists, it returns the same element as .first().

const result = JsonFilter(json, filter)
const last = result.last() // returns last element


Returns the matching element on given index or undefined if no element on that index exists. Index starts at 0.

const result = JsonFilter(json, filter)
const element = result.get(3) // returns 4th element


This project is licensed under the MIT license, Copyright (c) 2020 David Pichsenmeister | pichsenmeister.com. For more information see LICENSE.


A simple library to parse out specific elements of a larger JSON object or JSON array based on a provided JSON filter.

License:MIT License


Language:JavaScript 100.0%