pianoroll / roll-image-parser

Converter from TIFF image of piano rolls to musical data

Home Page:https://github.com/pianoroll/roll-image-parser

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


This repository is used to extract musical information from scans of piano rolls that are scanned with the Stanford Libraries' scanner for its collection of piano and organ rolls.


To compile the library and tools, type:


GNU make must be installed, and gcc version 4.9 or higher (or most versions of clang on macOS).


Name Description
tiff2holes Main program to identify musical holes in a TIFF image of a piano roll.
markholes The same as tiff2holes, but takes two identical images as input, analyzing the first, and then writing analysis marks on the second for debugging and quality analysis.
straighten Takes the analysis.txt data as an argument along with the original image and then create a straightened version of the image so that the musical holes are aligned vertically in the image.
checkquality Some basic image quality checks.
frameduplicates Check for visual defects in the TIFF images (checking for a now resolved acquisition software bug).
leftrightswap Mirror the TIFF image on a vertical axis (reversing from left to right).


The tiff2holes toll is a optical hole recognition (OHR) program used to identify musical holes in an image of a piano roll. The input is an uncompressed TIFF image, and the output is a textual analysis report described below. Extracted MIDI data files are also embedded in the output from tiff2hole.

Extracted parameters

At the start of the file are a list of extracted features from the image:

Parameter Description
DRUID Stanford Libraries Digital Repopsitory Unique ID. The original scan can be accessed from https://purl.stanford.edu/DRUID (when it is put online).
ROLL_TYPE Brand/format of the piano roll, such as "welte_red" for red Welte-Mignon rolls, "welte-green", "welte-licensee", "ampico-a", "ampico-b", "duoart"
THRESHOLD Threshold byte value for non-paper boundary. This is used to separate the paper from the not-paper parts of the image.
LENGTH_DPI Scan DPI resolution along the length of the roll.
IMAGE_WIDTH Width of the input image in pixels.
IMAGE_LENGTH Length of the input image in pixels.
ROLL_WIDTH Measured average width of the piano-roll in pixels.
HARD_MARGIN_BASS Pixel width of the margin on the bass side of the roll where the roll paper never enters.
HARD_MARGIN_TREBLE Pixel width of the margin on the treble side of the roll where the roll paper never enters.
MAX_BASS_DRIFT Maximum range of the "soft" margin on the bass side: the margin area where the roll edge will temporarily enter.
MAX_TREBLE_DRIFT Maximum range of the "soft" margin on the treble side: the margin area where the roll edge will temporarily enter.
AVG_SOFT_MARGIN_SUM Average sum of the bass and treble soft margins.
DRIFT_RANGE Total drift range in pixels.
DRIFT_MIN Leftmost drift from average position in pixels.
DRIFT_MAX Rightmost drift from average position in pixels.
PRELEADER_ROW Last pixel row of the portion of the image which contains the velcro strap that initially pulls the roll.
LEADER_ROW Last pixel row of the leader (although text on the roll may continue).
FIRST_HOLE Pixel row of the first musical hole.
LAST_HOLE Pixel row of the end of the last musical hole. Currently includes rewind holes and any punches after the rewind.
MUSICAL_LENGTH Pixel row count from the first music hole to the end of the last music hole.
MUSICAL_HOLES Estimated number of intentional holes to be read by the tracker bar.
MUSICAL_NOTES Number of notes after grouping chained holes (expression tracks count as notes in this census).
AVG_HOLE_WIDTH Average width of a musical hole in pixels (based on holes' bounding boxes).
ANTIDUST_COUNT Number of holes in the paper with an area less than 50 pixels (the smallest music holes typically have 300 pixels)
BAD_HOLE_COUNT Number of suspcious holes pulled out for further observation.
EDGE_TEAR_COUNT Number of edge tears which are deeper than 1/10 of an inch.
BASS_TEAR_COUNT Number of tears on the bass register side of the roll.
TREBLE_TEAR_COUNT Number of tears on the treble register side of the roll.
DUST_SCORE Count of dust particles in hard margin regions in units of parts per million.
DUST_SCORE_BASS Dust particle count in bass register margin.
DUST_SCORE_TREBLE Dust particle count in bass register margin.
SHIFTS Number of automatically detected operator shifts greater than 1/100th of an inch over 1/3 of an inch.
HOLE_SEPARATION Distance between muiscal hole centers (i.e., the tracker bar hole spacings).
HOLE_OFFSET The offset of the tracker bar spacing pattern with respect to the first column of the image.
TRACKER_HOLES The (esitmated) number of tracker bar holes that reads this roll.
SOFTWARE_DATE The compiling date for the software that generates this file.
ANALYSIS_DATE The date that the analysis was done.
ANALYSIS_TIME The duration of the analysis phase of the software (excluding loading of the image data or writing the analysis overlay onto the image).
COLOR_CHANNEL The color channel used to generate this analysis data.
CHANNEL_MD5 The MD5 checksum of the color channel pixels used in this analysis.
BRIDGE_FACTOR Aspect ratio merging distance for adjacent holes.
MANUAL_EDITS Set this field to "yes" if any manual edits are made to this file.

Hole list

Then comes a list of the identified musical holes on the paper, both regular notes and expression holes. The holes are sorted in time (in other words by row in the image) from the top of the image to the bottom. Here is the information recorded for each hole:

Parameter Description
ORIGIN_ROW The pixel row of the leading edge of the bounding box around the hole.
ORIGIN_COL The pixel column of the leading edge of the bounding box around the hole, bass side.
WIDTH_ROW The pixel length of the bounding box around the hole.
WIDTH_COL The pixel column of the leading edge of the hole, bass side.
CENTROID_ROW The center of mass row of the hole.
CENTROID_COL The center of mass column of the hole.
AREA The area of the hole (in pixels).
PERIMETER The perimeter of the hole (in pixels).
CIRCULARITY The circularity of the hole (1 = circular, 0 = very uncircular).
MAJOR_AXIS The major axis of the hole in degrees (0 = vertically aligned with roll).
HPIXCOR Horizontal (column) pixel correction: shift to straighten hole columns on paper. If the leading and trailing edges of musical holes do not have the same correction value, then the following two parameters are given instead by the following two parameters.
HPIXCOR_LEAD Horizontal pixel correction of the hole's leading edge.
HPIXCOR_TRAIL Horizontal pixel correction of the hole's trailing edge.

Then comes a list of the "bad" holes which were excluded from the good hole list given above. Sometimes bad holes prevent a re-attack of a sustained note, but otherwise "bad" holes are usually suppressed in the conversion to MIDI data. This will remove unwanted notes, but sometimes will also remove desired notes. Manual post-processing of the analysis would be required to examine "bad" holes for a more accurate final result.

Drift analysis

Next comes a list of the tears along the edges of the roll. The information extracted from each tear:

Parameter Description
ID Unique tear ID (enumeration of the tear along the left (bass) and right (treble) sides of the roll.
ORIGIN_ROW The starting row of the tear.
ORIGIN_COL The starting column of the tear.
WIDTH_ROW The maximum height of the tear.
WIDTH_COL The maximum width of the tear.
AREA The measured aread of the tear (actual not bounding box area).

Then comes a table of the left/right drift of the roll along its length in the scan. This information is used to straighten out the image coordinates when extracting holes, and the same information can be used to straighten the original visual image, if desired. The information consists of a table with two columns. The first column is the starting row in the image for the offset given in the second column. Each entry in the table updates the drift when it changes by more than 1/10th of a pixel.

MIDI files

Next comes two MIDI files. The first is one that removes bridging to group multiple holes into single notes. The second one contains individual MIDI notes for each musical hole on the image (preserving bridging).

Hole histograms

The last section analyzes the vertical positions of musical holes before and after drift analysis has been done, as well as the final vertical position assignment after the Fourier Transform analysis has been done.


The markholes tool is similar to tiff2holes, but will add graphical markup of the analysis to a copy of the image file given as a second argument.


The straighten tool extract the drift analysis from the output of tiff2holes or markholes and applies a reverse of the drift analysis to the original image to straighten the paper and align the musical holes vertically. The command-line use of the straighten tool is:

straighten analysis.txt input.tiff output.tiff

Where analysis.txt is the output textual analysis report from tiff2holes, input.tiff is the original image that generated the report, and output.tiff is the filename for the straightened image.


Converter from TIFF image of piano rolls to musical data




Language:C++ 87.4%Language:Perl 10.6%Language:Makefile 1.3%Language:C 0.7%