Zackernel is a tiny kernel that uses an event-driven, non-blocking I/O model like Node.js. It is written in C++11, to use lambda expressions.
Now, Zackernel works on the following environments:
- Arduino
Zackernel needs the following software:
- Download zip file from Vlpp for Arduino, and install it Sketch > Include Library > Add .ZIP Library. (Documents how to install the library)
- Thanks for Original Vlpp for Arduino and Original Vlpp
Code Name "Hiroki": Bug fix with developing some applications using LEDs and switches.
The fixed bugs are:
Code Name "Kagoshima-Chuo": Implementing Basic Loop Functions
Sample Client Code:
zLoop([&] {
// calculate something forever with calling other tasks
bool flag = true;
zWhile([&] { return flag; }, [&] {
// calculate something while flag is true with calling other tasks
bool flag = true;
zDoWhile([&] {
// calculate something once and while flag is true with calling other tasks
}, [&] { return flag; });
int i;
zFor([&] { i = 1; }, [&] { i < NUM; }, [&] { i++; }, [&] {
// calculate something while i < NUM with calling other tasks.
Implementing Absolute Time Management.