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The Istari Proof Assistant

Istari is a tactic-oriented proof assistant based on Martin-Lof type theory. It is intended for mathematical developments that involve computation -- particularly imperative computation -- and dependent types.


The Istari workflow is similar to proof assistants such as Coq: one proves a theorem by building a proof script, which consists mostly of invocations of tactics. Each tactic acts on a current goal, and generates zero or more new subgoals.

Istari proof scripts and tactics are ordinary ML code, written in a dialect called IML that is close to Standard ML. User tactics enjoy the same access to the prover's internals as the vast majority of the built-in tactic library. As in some earlier proof assistants (notably LCF), user tactics can manipulate proof objects (called validations) and soundness is ensured using abstract types.

As Istari is based on Martin-Lof type theory, Istari's typing judgement is a proposition within the type theory, rather than an external mechanism (as is more typical in proof assistants). This creates advantages and disadvantages: The main advantage is there is no distinction between definitional equality and user-established equalities. Thus, an equality proven by the user is just as valid for typechecking purposes as any another. For example, if M : A(N) and N = N', then M : A(N'). In many proof assistants, this principle works for definitional equalities but not user-established equalities, which can create severe challenges when using dependent types.

On the disadvantage side, typechecking is undecidable, since it can depend on arbitrary mathematical facts. In practice, the typechecker usually attends to typechecking obligations, but sometimes one sees proof goals of the form M : A. Often these indicate type errors, but sometimes they are true facts that the typechecker was unable to prove on its own.

In contrast to many Martin-Lof type theories, Istari supports impredicative quantification (as well as the usual predicative hierarchy of universes). Istari is also unique in that it supports guarded recursive types, and indeed impredicative quantification over guarded recursive kinds. Guarded recursive kinds make it possible to reason about imperative code that uses higher-order state.

The Istari type theory is itself formalized using a different proof assistant (Coq), and essentially all of the Istari inference rules are validated using that formalization.

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Language:Coq 52.9%Language:Standard ML 40.3%Language:TeX 4.8%Language:OCaml 1.4%Language:Emacs Lisp 0.4%Language:Makefile 0.2%Language:Shell 0.0%