phydy / v1-contracts

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Aqueduct V1

Superfluid native stream-only dex.

To test locally:

  1. Run npm install
  2. Add a .env file with GOERLI_ALCHEMY_KEY and PRIVATE_KEY variables
  3. Update testWalletAddress in testSuperApp.js to your wallet address
  4. Run npx hardhat test

To run the demo scripts:

npx hardhat run scripts/demo-scripts/initializeTokens.js --network rinkeby
npx hardhat run scripts/demo-scripts/upgradeTokens.js --network rinkeby
npx hardhat run scripts/demo-scripts/addLiquidity.js --network rinkeby



Language:Solidity 55.5%Language:JavaScript 44.5%