phranck / CCNTreeNode

An easy way to build a tree of nested objects.

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CCNTreeNode (discontinued)

Update: 12 August 2014

As this peace of code intentionally were produced for a customer project I found a better solution (JTTree). Therefore it will stay open but discontinued. No more development on it.


Using CCNTreeNode is a convenient and easy way to build a tree of nested objects. You can use it as a datasource for your table view, source view or what ever.


Via CocoaPods

Just add pod 'CCNTreeNode' to your podfile.

Via Drag&Drop

Just drag the CCNTreeNode.* files into your project.


CCNTreeNode was written using ARC and should run on 10.7 / iOS 6 and above.


The code is provided as-is, and it is far off being complete or free of bugs. If you like this component feel free to support it. Make changes related to your needs, extend it or just use it in your own project. Feedbacks are very welcome. Just contact me at or send me a ping on Twitter.

If you like this component or you're using it in your own software so please let me know. I'll give you a mention and set a link to your website (or the Mac App Store, if it exists).


You can find the complete reference here (CocoaDocs).


This software is published under the MIT License.


An easy way to build a tree of nested objects.


Language:Objective-C 93.1%Language:Ruby 6.9%