phphe / mdi-js

Convert Material design icons svg to js and TypeScript.

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Convert Material design icons svg to js and TypeScript.


export interface Icon {
  attrs: {
    xmlns: string;
    viewBox: string;
    width: string;
    height: string;
    [key: string]: string;
  html: string;

attrs are attributes of svg tag. html is the code between svg tag.

Svg example

<svg xmlns="" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" width="24"><path d="M0 0h24v24H0V0z" fill="none"/><path d="M10.01 21.01c0 1.1.89 1.99 1.99 1.99s1.99-.89 1.99-1.99h-3.98zm8.87-4.19V11c0-3.25-2.25-5.97-5.29-6.69v-.72C13.59 2.71 12.88 2 12 2s-1.59.71-1.59 1.59v.72C7.37 5.03 5.12 7.75 5.12 11v5.82L3 18.94V20h18v-1.06l-2.12-2.12zM16 13.01h-3v3h-2v-3H8V11h3V8h2v3h3v2.01z"/></svg>


npm install mdi-js


Material design icon has 5 styles: filled, outlined, rounded, sharp, two tone. Check:

This library has 6 export points. A default export and 5 style exports. The default export is filled style.

An exported icon name is in camel case: mdiNameStyle. For filled style, suffix is omitted: mdiName.

// Icon is the type of all icons
import { Icon } from "mdi-js";
import { Icon } from "mdi-js/filled";
// imort a icon
import { mdiFace } from "mdi-js";
import { mdiFace } from "mdi-js/filled";
import { mdiFaceOutlined } from "mdi-js/outlined";
import { mdiFaceRound } from "mdi-js/round";
import { mdiFaceSharp } from "mdi-js/sharp";
import { mdiFaceTwotone } from "mdi-js/twotone";


Vue Example

  <svg v-bind="icon.attrs" v-html="icon.html"></svg>

<script lang="tsx">
import { mdiFace } from "mdi-svg-converted/filled";
export default {
  data() {
    return { icon: mdiFace };



Convert Material design icons svg to js and TypeScript.


Language:TypeScript 99.9%Language:JavaScript 0.1%