phongsakornp / AKMaskField

Swift plugin which allow add mask to input field

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool



AKMaskField allows the user to enter easily data in the fixed quantity and in the certain format (credit cards, telephone numbers, dates, etc.). The developer need to set a mask and template string. The mask contain blocks and other characters. Each block contain of symbols of a certain type (number, letter, symbol). The template represents the mask with replacing format symbol with template characters.


  • Easy in use
  • Possibility to setup input field from a code or Settings Panel
  • Smart template
  • Support of dynamic change of a mask
  • Fast processing of a input field
  • Smart copy / insert action


Add the AKMaskField folder to your project (To copy the file it has to be chosen).


Create a text field UITextField and set a class AKMaskField in the Inspector / Accessory Panel tab. Specify necessary attributes in the Inspector / Accessory Attributes tab:

Mask: {dddd}-{DDDD}-{WaWa}-{aaaa}
Mask Show Template: On

Drag field to view controller class. Create outlet.

@IBOutlet weak var field: AKMaskField!


var field: AKMaskField!

override func viewDidLoad() {

    field = AKMaskField()
    field.mask = "{dddd}-{DDDD}-{WaWa}-{aaaa}"
    field.maskTemplate = "ABCD-EFGH-IJKL-MNOP"
    field.maskShowTemplate = true

Other properties

You can also set other properties like text, placeholder, etc. Example if you will set text property to value 1234. A mask field will show 0123-EFGH-IJKL-MNOP after loading view controller.


Same initialization as UITextField class.


Displaying mask

var mask: String

The string value that contains blocks with symbols that determines certain format of input data. Each block must be wrapped by brackets. Default brackets value is { ... }.
The predetermined formats:

Symbol Input format
d Number, decimal number from 0 to 9.
D Any symbol, except decimal number.
W Not an alphabetic symbol.
a Alphabetic symbol, a-Z.
. Corresponds to any symbol (by default)

The initial value of this property is nil.

var maskTemplate: String

The text that represents the mask filed with replacing format symbol with template characters. Can be set:

Characters count Description
1 This character will be copied in each block and will replace mask format symbol.
Same length as mask without brackets Template character will replace mask format symbol in same position.

The initial value of this property is *.

var maskShowTemplate: Bool

A Boolean value indicating will be mask template shows after initialization.
The initial value of this property is false.

Configuring mask

var maskBlockBrackets: [Character]

An array with two characters (opening and closing bracket for the bock mask).
The initial values in this array is { and }.

Mask object

var maskObject: [AKMaskFieldBlock]! {get}

An array with all blocks mask. Each array value defined as AKMaskFieldBlock structure.
The initial value of this property is nil.

Block AKMaskFieldBlock mask

var index: Int

The block index in the mask.

var status: Bool

A Boolean value that determines is the block filled in current moment.

var range: Range<Int>

The block position in the mask string.

var mask: String

The block string (without brackets).

var text: String

Entered characters in the block.

var template: String

The block template string.

var chars: [AKMaskFieldBlockChars]

An array with all characters mask in certain block. Each character value defined as AKMaskFieldBlockChars structure.

Characters AKMaskFieldBlockChars block

var index: Int

The character index in the block.

var status: Bool

A Boolean value that determines is the character filled in current moment.

var text: String

Entered character.

var range: Range<Int>

Character position in the mask string.

Status of the mask and an user events

var maskStatus: AKMaskFieldStatus

Defines a status of the mask field at the current moment. The field has 3 states and defined as AKMaskFieldStatus enumeration type.

enum AKMaskFieldStatus {
    case Clear
    case Incomplete
    case Complete
Status Description
Clear No one character was entered.
Incomplete At least one character is not entered.
Complete All characters was entered.

The initial value of this property is AKMaskFieldStatus.Clear.

var maskEvent: AKMaskFieldEvet

Defines a user events. The user can make 4 events, all events defined as AKMaskFieldEvet enumeration type.

enum AKMaskFieldEvet {
    case None
    case Insert
    case Delete
    case Replace
Event Action
None No one event was detected.
Insert Entering new text.
Delete Deleting text from field.
Replace Selecting and replacing or deleting text.

The initial value of this property is AKMaskFieldEvet.None.

Accessing the Delegate

weak var maskDelegate: AKMaskFieldDelegate?

A mask field delegate responds to editing-related messages from the text field. You can use the delegate to respond to the text entered by the user and to some special commands, such as when the return button is pressed.

Delegate methods

optional func maskFieldDidBeginEditing(maskField: AKMaskField)
Parameter Description
maskField The mask field for which an editing session began.

Tells the delegate that editing began for the specified mask field.

optional func maskField(maskField: AKMaskField,
 shouldChangeCharacters oldString: String,
                inRange range: NSRange,
      replacementString withString: String)
Parameter Description
maskField The mask field containing the text.
oldString The string that will replaced.
range The range of characters to be replaced.
withString The replacement string.

Asks the delegate if the specified text should be changed.


How get entered text without mask

var enteredText: String = ""
for block in field.maskObject {

    for char in block.chars {
        if char.status { enteredText += String(char.text) }

println("Entered text: \(enteredText)")

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Artem Krachulov:, email


Released under the MIT license


Swift plugin which allow add mask to input field


Language:Swift 100.0%