Includes the data model and API. A Services API that can be used to implement this dashboard widget. It supports
- Returning a list of services
- support filtering, sorting, pagination
- Fetching a particular service
- including a method for retrieving its versions
Additional considerations
- Include tests (unit, integration) or a test plan
- Provide authentication/authorization on the API
- Add CRUD operations to the API
Build our custom image(i.e dockerfile provided on build key)
docker-compose build
Starts all our container(service) configured on yaml file
docker-compose up
Removes all our container(service)
docker-compose down
docker-compose down; docker-compose build; docker-compose up
GET localhost:8080/services?limit=1&offset=0&search=us
"name":"FX Rates International...",
"description":"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor",
- Extensibility
- Modularity
- Maintainability
- Reusability
- Robustness
- Scalability
- Service has id, name, description, version, version_count, created_at
- Version has id, name, created_at
- API can sort, filter, paginate, and list versions
- UI will handle individual service cards
- Search substring in name or description
- Response with pagination will contain offset and limit
- Services will be sorted by created_at
- Go is fast and scalable
- MySQL is good for structured, normalized data
- Docker containerizes application to easily build, test, and deploy.